a lá Mujo

Uhvatio Mujo zlatnog kuhara...
a kuhar će:
"aj Mujo, dobavi mi malo riže, malo mljevenog mesa,
pa ću ti ispunit 3 paprike"

Uredi zapis

05.11.2008. u 21:10   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

Pa nek selo bruji

I treba da bruji! Ovaj moj klub je ko hamlet u mrdusi donjoj :) pretstava nad predstavama! Grrr trulo ko nasa bajna drzava! Ma pitam se "trenerice" jel ste to vi iz svog djepa izvukli pare za te šugave patike i kojim pravom ste "zaboravili" da postoji jos igracica? Ma i bager ce vam bit potreban jer je meni stwaaarno puklo ovaj puta...grrr ljuta sam...bas jesam

Uredi zapis

29.10.2008. u 23:58   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

pun moon

eh, da...

Uredi zapis

15.10.2008. u 0:05   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Yeah puklo me, pa shta?!

doshel je strojchek home, radi saaavrsheno :))
i ja sam kaj ne predem od zadovoljstva...
 i sjednem tak da ubacim par programchicha i igrica,
 naravno zapnem na hebenim jevelsima...
i onda me pukne;
-f*cking igricu zadnji sam put igrala na tvom LAP(top)u....
f*ck BEJB;
su sjechanja :,((

Uredi zapis

07.10.2008. u 23:53   |   Komentari: 4   |   Dodaj komentar

=^= just like b4 =^=

Everything was perfect, nothing at all was wrong
...we matched every love song
i loved the way u tuouched the feeling was such a rush
i cnt explain it
 i though i would last a long bit thn i bcum silent
u broke it off from there; we didnt talk
everythhng was hushed left untouched
it didnt matter anymore we were apart...
just like b4 the start

Uredi zapis

06.10.2008. u 11:18   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

=^= sitting here =^=

I sit here alone...
thinking about where u ar, wht u ar doing...
ar u thinking about me?!
...coz i miss u...
I sit ere watching the sunset wishing tht u were here
 2 talk about how the coulors
from the setting sun reflect off the see like silk on glass...
I sit ere looking at pictures,
thing how close we were nd will always b...
I sit here watching the days go by,
like birds in the sky;
wishing tht u were sitting ere with me
... coz i love u...

Uredi zapis

06.10.2008. u 10:47   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

*^* just 2b with u *^*

I lose myself in ur beautiful eyes.
I cnt pull away even if i wanted 2 try.
Ur perfect in every way the though of u just makes my day.
 U cm 2 me from the heavens above
u flew in on wings my angel of love.
Whn nothing cms 2 go quite right
and i no longer cn c the light
 i look upon ur angelic face
and im taken away 2 a far better place i cherish.
 U muve me like d music i play in my head
in this world of false truths..
i knw only 1 thing true,
id give up everything just 2b with u

Uredi zapis

06.10.2008. u 10:36   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

*^* all i have 2 give *^*

You're the first thing i think of each morning when i rise.
You're the last thing i think of each night when i close my eyes.
You're in each thought i have and every breath i take...
My feelings are groving stronger with every move i make...
I want 2 prove I LOVE YOU bt thts hardest part.
So, im giving all i have 2 give 2 you...
-Cara G. Stanfield-

Uredi zapis

03.10.2008. u 1:07   |   Komentari: 6   |   Dodaj komentar

~the magic of love~

Love is like magic and it always will be.
4 Love still remains life's sweet mystery!
Love works in ways tht are wondrous
 and strange and theres nothing in life tht love cnt change!
Lov cn transform the most commonplace in2 beauty
and splendor nd sweetness nd grace.
Love is unselfish,
 and kind,
4 it sees with its heart
 and not with its mind.
Love answer tht every1 seeks..
Love is the language tht every heart speaks.
Love cnt b bought, its priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic is lifes sweet mystery

Uredi zapis

03.10.2008. u 0:56   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

I bez herpesa me ide

Ovak je meni rekao moj nepreboljeni ex (kojeg sam usput gadno ntkantala s razlogom i bez njega) "ti Val zudis samo za zvijezdama; kad dobijes sve sta ti covjek moze dati, odjebes...imas muski karakter i nikad neces bit sretna u vezi; uvijek ces bit sama jer si preponosna..." itd itd natovario on meni jos kojecega, pa sam stala misliti...e hebi ga, ak tak mora biti, pa neka bude!

Uredi zapis

02.10.2008. u 0:02   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

Herpes! Grrr...

Nasred gornje usne...hem ti herpes! Daj, zna netko brz način da se toga jada riješim?! Grrr

Uredi zapis

24.09.2008. u 23:58   |   Komentari: 22   |   Dodaj komentar

Kako je lako zaraditi bez truda

Ma za nepovjerovati :)) bez imalo truda i zalaganja, dobila sam prvoklasnu prehladu

Uredi zapis

16.09.2008. u 9:35   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

U susret novoj sezoni

Ma mozes mislit priprema! Trci oko stadiona, istezi se, rastezi, idi plivaj ko mutav i ni slucajno na trening ne autom...odje petak i babe se okupe; piva, bambi, nekaj kratko, malo keksica, grickalica, klipica...aha pripremamo se :))) ...ajmeee kad konacno stanem na stazu, na vino cu se znojit :)) laku noć svijete, vrti mi se

Uredi zapis

13.09.2008. u 0:41   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

A žao mi je Dine i njegove prgave familije

...baš je bio spaljen lik :(

Uredi zapis

07.09.2008. u 19:37   |   Komentari: 4   |   Dodaj komentar

Prve stvari

Prosla tekma, prva nakon nekog vremena bez NJEGA...koliko prvih stvari zadnjih 2mj...čudno...navikavam se

Uredi zapis

07.09.2008. u 10:47   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar