
Borise B, koji si mi ocarinio paket CD-ova s Amazona, tj. nakalemio 23% na vrijednost pošiljke, nabijem te na onu stvar.

Uredi zapis

27.02.2010. u 14:19   |   Komentari: 27   |   Dodaj komentar

Pitanje o spolnosti

Ako ideš na kuglanje u društvu tri (!) žene, znači li to da si peder ili baba, ili one misle da te ima dovoljno za sve njih?

Uredi zapis

26.02.2010. u 19:32   |   Komentari: 9   |   Dodaj komentar


Uredi zapis

26.02.2010. u 10:12   |   Komentari: 9   |   Dodaj komentar


Sutra idem na kuglanje.

Ne s jednom, nego s dvije iskričanke.

Koja sam ja faca!

Uredi zapis

25.02.2010. u 12:33   |   Komentari: 7   |   Dodaj komentar

Fakat stiže proljeće

Kvaču mi patke u letu iznad kuće, a mica na prozoru škrguće na vrapce.

Čak ima i sunca i nebo je plavo.

Moglo bi nešto biti od toga.

Uredi zapis

25.02.2010. u 8:48   |   Komentari: 12   |   Dodaj komentar


Zmije (grč. Ophidia, lat. Serpens) su podred unutar razreda gmazova čije je hladno i suho tijelo prekriveno ljuskama. Vode porijeklo od predaka koji su ličili na guštere, no jako im se izdužilo tijelo, a noge su im reducirane pa se kreću vijugajući. Velike vrste (pitoni i anakonde) narastu do 8 m, u iznimnim slučajevima i do 10 m. Povremeno se javljaju izvještaji i o rekordnim dužinama više od 10 m, ali to nije nikada dokazano.
Ne ubijaju sve zmije otrovom. Neke se omotaju oko žrtve, stisnu je i uguše. Potom je progutaju cijelu. Da bi im to uspjelo, moraju širom razjapiti usta. Mišići u tijelu guraju životinju do zmijina želuca. Zmije se hrane manjim plijenom, ali često ugrizu i čovjeka. Razlog je vrlo jasan - samoobrana. Mnoge vrste pokušat će izbjeći opasnost, ali kada to nije moguće one će pribjeći jedinom rješenju - ugrizu.

Uredi zapis

24.02.2010. u 21:01   |   Komentari: 14   |   Dodaj komentar

Još jedna za kraj...

I zato volim žensko tijelo.

Uredi zapis

20.02.2010. u 19:58   |   Komentari: 8   |   Dodaj komentar

Voda je izvor života

Uredi zapis

20.02.2010. u 18:34   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Slika iz IE8

Slika iz IE8... Radi normalno.
Evo i cure na leđima...

Uredi zapis

20.02.2010. u 17:26   |   Komentari: 21   |   Dodaj komentar

Mijau mijau mijau

Ovo mi je neko vrijeme bio ringtone...

Uredi zapis

15.02.2010. u 19:07   |   Komentari: 9   |   Dodaj komentar



Uredi zapis

13.02.2010. u 23:19   |   Komentari: 17   |   Dodaj komentar


Women would be amazed if they knew what men desire about them. Yes, of course, they want to see women naked and supine and melting, but male desire is far more readily stimulated by what the oblique glance discovers: the parted lips, the micron of eyelash which the mascara brush missed, the changing angle and shadow of cleavage, the bra-strap alternately displayed and covered up, the ripe-camembert plumpness at the edge of hips. There is, inside every adult man, a relentless Peeping Tom, a perennial 14-year-old boy, still amazed by the phenomenon of women on display, flagging their sexuality, their availability, with every square inch of visible flesh, clothing, make-up and curve.

When we've finished ogling and peeping and noting the details (the way that girl's hair follows, and touches, the curve of her chin, moves away from it, touches it again...) then desire becomes personal. We see sexual allure in movement (Maggie Gyllenhaal's fabulously slouchy walk in Mona Lisa Smile), in haughtiness (Kathleen Turner in Body Heat, looking down at the Slush Puppie smearing her front and responding to William Hurt's "Maybe I'll help you wipe it off" with "You mean you don't wanna lick it off?") and in pure sass (Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not, looking up through her curtain of hair and asking Bogart, "You know how to whistle, don't you Steve?"). Voices can provoke desire before anything else. It was Scarlett Johansson's beguiling croak that brought men out in a muck sweat in Lost in Translation, before they registered her juicy lips or points further south.

We desire the personality that we discern in the walk, the clothes, the laugh ... We look, and sigh, and wish to do certain things to her, first urgently, then luxuriantly, and keep doing it indefinitely; but we also hunger to have her do certain things to us, unimaginable though it may seem – we want her to want us. We don't just want her surrender, like a slave captured in battle; we want her approbation, her adoration; we want to enchant her to desire us back. For, no matter how humble we feel before the dizzying fact of female beauty, men are just as narcissistic as women.

Uredi zapis

12.02.2010. u 16:54   |   Komentari: 7   |   Dodaj komentar

Pismo Proljeću

Drago Proljeće,

Molim Te da dođeš što prije i da dovedeš sa sobom Sunce i Toplinu, kako bi moja mačka napokon počela izlaziti iz kuće, trčati uokolo i hvatati ptice, umjesto da mi doma pije krv i živce na slamčicu.


Tvoj fors.

Uredi zapis

11.02.2010. u 20:23   |   Komentari: 24   |   Dodaj komentar

I bog stvori ženu i dade joj vaginu

Aahhh yeah, I’m back…bitches. Women are equal and they deserve respect, Just kidding, they should suck my dick. Vagina (what!)…vagina (what!)… I want to have sex with your vagina (uhh) Vagina (what!)…vagina (what!)… 2 plus 2 = vagina (uhh).
My love is like lightning… It gives girls orgasms. My dick is like an airplane… It gives girls orgasms.
I’m the Wayne Gretzky of sexual stuff. I’m the Hulk Hogan of slamming muff. I’m the Indiana Jones of exploring crotch. I’m the Shakespeare of enormous cock. I’m the Helen Keller of having sex. No, wait…that’s a bad example.
Why did my penis cross the road? To get to the other… Vagina (what!)…vagina (what!)… I want to have sex with your vagina (uhh) Vagina (what!)…vagina (what!)…E=MC Vagina
I’ve got a present for you right here. Actually, it’s not a present…It’s my penis and I like to call it The Spear, 'cause spears are long and hard, just like my penis.
I don’t like it when you talk, 'Cause that just means you're not sucking my cock. Love is for girls and gays, If you wanna be with me it goes one of two ways… Either you have sex with me… Or you have sex with me.
I have really good sex moves, That I learned in China. I’m a sexual tiger, And I feed on vagina (raahhrr)
Vagina (what!)…vagina (what!)… I want to have sex with your vagina (uhh) Vagina (what!)…vagina (what!)… What time is it? It’s vagina.
What’s the difference between a girl’s mouth and a girl’s vagina? There is none… I want my penis to be inside both of those things.
I’m a good sex man. Girls love my sex. I’m a good sex man, Because my sex is the best.
I’m like Jean Claude Van Damme, But instead of fighting people, I have sex with them.

Uredi zapis

10.02.2010. u 19:36   |   Komentari: 10   |   Dodaj komentar