Daleko od mene...
Kad topola srebrom zatreperi
tad u meni odjekne daljina
i osjetim drhtaj tvoga tjela
a dusom se razlije toplina
Daleko od ociju daleko od srca
prolaze ljudi sad u kraju tome
ti si daleko...daleko od mene
ali ja te cuvam u srcu svome
Znam ti nevjerujes u takove price
sunce zadje pa se opet rodi
cvjece vene al `ponovo nice
moja ljubav samo tebi vodi
Da sam sunce sto se jutrom budi
s zvjezdama rastao se nebi
tad imao bi tisuce zivota
al`bi svaki poklonijo tebi.
31.08.2004. u 14:25 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Like A Prayer
Life is a mystery
everyone must stand alone
I hear you call my name
and it feels like home
When you call my name
it`s like little prayer
I`m down on my kness
I wanna take you there
In the mindnight hour
I can feel your power
Just like a prayer
you know I`ll take you there
I hear your voice
it`s like an angel sighing
I have no choice
I hear your voice...feels like flying
I close my eyes...Oh God I think I`m falling
out of the sky...
I close my eyes
Like a child you whisper softly to me
you`re in control just like a child
Now I`m dancing
Its like a dream
no end and no beginning
you`re here with me
Its like a dream
let the choir sing..
..................................Johnny Yuma
30.08.2004. u 19:28 | Komentari: 1 | Dodaj komentar
Sedam snova.....
suza u oku~zivota hir.
Plivati neznam i tonem u rijeku
hvata me njen vrtlog~vir
Pjesma iz duse poneki jauk
vrisak ili krik
usplamtjeli snovi lagano se ruse
upravo umire buntovnik
Jos jedna pjesma jedan stih
te dupli wiskey za kraj
to posljednja moja je sansa
prije no sto nastupi ocaj...
29.08.2004. u 21:51 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Po jednoj anketi u kojoj su ispitanici bili zamoljeni da objasne da li bi se računalu trebalo obračati u muškom ili ženskom rodu i neka navedu četiri razloga za svoj stav, rezultati su dobiveni od dvije grupe stručnjaka za računala.
Grupa u kojoj su bile žene izjavila je kako bi računalo trebalo oslovljavati kao muška bića jer:
1. Želite li privući njihovu pozornost morate ih upaliti.
2. Posjeduju mnogo podataka, no ipak sami ništa ne zaključuju.
3. Trebali bi vam pomoći u rješavanju problema, a zapravo pola vremena sami su mu uzročnici.
4. Vrlo brzo nakon što prihvatite jednoga shvatite: da ste malo više čekali, mogli ste imati bolji model.
Muškarci su s druge strane izjavili da bi se prema računalima trebalo izjašnjavati kao ženskom rodu jer:
1. Nitko osim Stvoritelja ne razumije njihovu internu logiku.
2. Njihov jezik kojim međusobno komuniciraju nerazumljiv je ostalima.
3. Čak i vaša najmanja pogreška smještena je u njihovu memoriju za kasniju analizu.
4. Vrlo brzo nakon što postaneš odan jednom modelu, našao si se u položaju da trošiš pola svoje plaće na njezino nadograđivanje.
29.08.2004. u 19:22 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Coward of the county
Everyone considered him the coward of the county
he`d never stood one single time to prove the county wrong
his mama named himTommy,the folks just called him yellow
but something always told me they were reading Tommy wrong.
He was only ten years old when his daddy died in prison
I looked after Tommy `cause he was my brother`s son
I still recall the final words my brother said to Tommy:...
son my life is over,but yours is just begun
Promise me..son, not to do the things I`ve done.
Walk away from trouble if you can
it won`t mean you`re weak if you turn the other cheek
I hope you`re old enough to understand:..
Son ..you don`t have to fight to be a man.
There`s someone for everyone and Tommy`s love was Becky
In her arms he didn`t have to prove he was a man
one day while he was working the Gatlin boys came callin..
They took turns at Becky....there was three of them
Tommy opened up the door and saw his Becky cryin
the torn dress,the shattered look was more than he could stand
he reached above the fireplace and took down his daddy`s picture
as his tears fell on his daddy`s face,he heard these words again:...
Promise me..son, not to do the things I`ve done.
Walk away from trouble if you can
it won`t mean you`re weak if you turn the other cheek
I hope you`re old enough to understand:..
Son ..you don`t have to fight to be a man.
The Gatlin boys just laughed at him when he walked into the barroom
one of them got up and met him halfway..cross the floor.
When Tommy turned around they said..hey look all,yellow`s leavin
but you coulda heard a pin drop when Tommy stopped and blocked the door..
Twenty years of crawling was bottled up inside him
he wasn`t holding nothing back he let `em have it all
when Tommy left the barroom not a Gatlin boy was standing...
he said -This one`s for becky-as he watched the last one fall
....and I heard him say............
I promised you...Dad..not to do the things you done
I walk away from trouble when I can
now please don`t think I`m weak,I didn`t turn the other cheek
And Papa... I sure hope you understand:.......
Sometimes you gotta fight when you`re a man.
............................Kenny R.
28.08.2004. u 23:54 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Placi ...srce
S drugim si sada sretna
ja sam `sam i srce me boli
o zasto to mora biti
kad nekog volis i da on tebe voli.
Zaboravit kako si mogla
sve one dane..pjesme...suze
za sve je prekasno sada
pusti da odem...kad on mi te uze
Placi srce placi....
zaboravi lazi njene
u vinu utopicu tugu
al`umrijet cu zbog te zene
S drugim si sada sretna
mnoge suze zbog tebe sam lijo
i kako da sve to svatim
a tako malo od tebe sam htio..
25.08.2004. u 20:16 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Razbit cu case sve.......
Zasto se budim u zore ove
zasto sam noci bdio
zar nije dosta sto hoces vise
gorke sam suze lijo.
Zasto me mucis
zasto si takva
a sve sam tebi dao
za tebe zivim Ljubavi
samo za tebe sam znao.
Razbicu case sve
zbog tebe jer volim te
mira mi nedaju pocjele noci
te tvoje divne oci.
Ponekad tako usamljen lutam
neznam sto bi sa sobom
a suze krijem i srce boli
tugujem ceznem za tobom.
I trazim tada utjehu negdje
mozda u drugoj zeni
tako ti je u ljubavi....
to znamo samo u sebi....
23.08.2004. u 20:09 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Tri rumene ruže...
Mnogi vec prosli su dani
i mladost nasa ce proci
ja cesto mislim na tebe
sjetim se besanih noci.
Jednom u sali sam rekao
da volim neku drugu
ni zamislit mogao nisam
koliko ti nanosim tugu
Tri rumene ruze
koje ti darujem
neka te vrate k meni
da ne samujem
tri rumene ruze
spomen su ljubavi
nikad me nikada...draga
ne ...zaboravi
Ponekad u albumu
pogledam slike stare
na njima vidim tebe
i nase sretne dane
Zamene ostaces ljepa
poklanjam ti sve pjesme svoje
i nikad zaboravit necu
....najljepse oci tvoje.
22.08.2004. u 22:00 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Candle in the wind
Goodbye England`s rose
may you ever grow in our hearts
you were the grace that placed itself where lives were torn apart.
You called out to our country
and you wispered to those in pain.
Now you belong to heaven
and the stars spell out your name
And it seems to me you lived your life
like a candle in the wind
never fading with the sunset when the rain set in
and your footsteps will always fall here along England`s greenest hills
your candles burned out long before your legend ever will.
Loveliness we`ve lost
these empty days without your smile
this torch we`ll always carry for our nation`s golden child
and even though we try
the truth brings us to tears
all our words cannot express the joy you brought us through the years
Goodbye England`s rose
may you ever grow in our hearts
you were the grace that placed itself where lives were torn apart
Goodbye England`s rose
from a country lost without your soul
who`ll miss the wings of your compassion more than you`ll ever know
And it seems to me you lived your life
like a candle in the wind
never fading with the sunset when the rain set in
and your footsteps will always fall here along England`s greenest hills
your candles burned out long before your legend ever will
and your footsteps will always fall here along England`s greenest hills
your candles burned out long before your legend ever will........
21.08.2004. u 21:55 | Komentari: 3 | Dodaj komentar
Always on my mind
Maybe I didn`t love you
quite as often as I could have
and maybe I didn`t treat you
quite as good as I should have
If I made you feel second best
girl...,I`m sorry I was blind
but you were always on my mind
you were always on my mind
Maybe I didn`t hold you
all those lonely...lonely times
and I guess I never told you
I`m so happy that you`re mine
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
you were always on my mind
Tell me that your sweet love hasn`t died
give me.......
give me one more chance to keep you satisfied
I`ll keep you satisfied
.................Willie Nelson
20.08.2004. u 22:51 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
20.08.2004. u 19:51 | Komentari: 4 | Dodaj komentar
Only the Lonely
Only the lonely
know the way I feel tonight
Only the lonely...
know this feelin ain`t right.
There goes my baby
there goes my heart
they`re gone forever
so far apart.
But only the lonely
know why
.....I cry
Only the lonely
know the heartaches I`ve been through
Only the lonely
know I cried and cried for you
Maybe tomorrow
A new romance
no more sorrow
but that`s the chance.
.................Andrew Rogers
19.08.2004. u 22:30 | Komentari: 3 | Dodaj komentar
To Much Love Will Kill You
I`m just the pieces of the man I used to be
To many bitter tears are raining down on me
I`m far away from home
And I`ve been facing this alone
For much too long
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mind
I`ve been looking back to find
Where I went wrong.......
To much love will kill you
If you can`t make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
You`re headed for disaster
´cos you never read the sign
Too much love will kill you
...........every time.
I`m just the shadow of the man I used to be
And it seems like there`s no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do is bring you down
How would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Can`t you see that it`s impossible to choose
No there`s no making sense of it
Every way I go I`m bound to lose
................Brian May
18.08.2004. u 21:22 | Komentari: 8 | Dodaj komentar
Samo toliko da znas...
Kako je tesko biti nista
onome sto ti znaci sve.
Kako je tesko voljeti
a to ne uzvrati se.
Ljubavi moja dali znas tko sam ja?
znaci li ti nesto moje ime
ili je i ono za tebe skup slova
bez znacaja.....bez snova
Ponekad se pitam ima li ista iza tvojih ociju
ima li iceg u tvojim grudima osim tog hladnog srca.
Znas li uopce .....voljeti!?
ne neboj se ....kao i svi.......
Jednom ces se nesretno
zaljubiti i ti.....
17.08.2004. u 21:44 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
.....Kada bi....
Kada bi zivot bijo bajka
bijo bi san u tvojim nocima.
Kada bi zore svitale u proljeca samo
moja bi davno nestala suza trazila sjaj u tvojim ocima.
Kada bi jutra znala za srecu
trazilo bi tvoj trag na maglovitoj cesti.
Kada bi tvoje postojanje znalo za moju ljubav prema tebi
sudbina bi pisala :..da cemo se sresti
13.08.2004. u 23:00 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar