>> ; O )
give up yourself up to the moment - the time is now...
19.01.2006. u 11:35 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
my love
You feed the beast I have within me
i never wanted things to be this way...
17.01.2006. u 10:30 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
dobar dan svima
Life is a coloring book, painted by your own colours ......
04.01.2006. u 10:38 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
waiting for you...
***It's like trying to catch a star..
So many people love you baby
That must be what you are..
Waiting for a star to fall***
29.12.2005. u 10:44 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
neke su stvari istinite...vjeruješ li u njih ili ne....one postoje... ; )
25.12.2005. u 14:34 | Komentari: 2 | Dodaj komentar
that's me...in jail ,by your side
A good friend will come bail you out of jail... but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn...We fucked up"... So?
21.12.2005. u 10:10 | Komentari: 6 | Dodaj komentar
gubim kontrolu....
Can't you see it's out of control
Baby's got my heart and my baby's got my mind
But tonight the sweet Devil's got my soul
19.12.2005. u 10:57 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
just me....
but still....
you must love me....i am the one and only...in some ways i am the best...
there is nobody i'd rather be....
; )))))
14.12.2005. u 10:29 | Komentari: 2 | Dodaj komentar
Znate te sad nove čarape? Sa prstima...
Koje su univerzalne veličine...
Pa je...ti univerzalnost...
Meni ne mogu na moje prste...
; ))))))))
05.12.2005. u 13:10 | Komentari: 3 | Dodaj komentar
ej narode...
palo mi je na pamet...
02.12.2005. u 12:00 | Komentari: 75 | Dodaj komentar
....trebam te u svojoj treznosti...
Now everything is reflection as I make my way through this labyrinth
and my sense of direction
is lost like the sound of my steps
is lost like the sound of my steps.
Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog
Scent of dried flowers and I'm walking through the fog
walking through the fog
I see my memories in black and white
they are neglected by space and time
I store all my days in boxes
and left my whishes so far behind
I find my only salvation in playing hide and seek in this labyrinth
and my sense of connection
is lost like the sound of my steps
is lost like the sound of my steps.
02.12.2005. u 10:32 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
Rekla mi je.....
Žena koju sam prvi put vidjela, rekla mi je, da nije vidjela več 20 godina tako ljepu ženu kao što je moja majka...
; )
Nasmijala sam se...iz srca...i rekla joj, da je u pravu...
; )))
p.s.- srce...hvala ti....najlepša si
01.12.2005. u 18:51 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar
jutro ljubavi....
Ulaziš u sobu...
Napuniš je ljepotom svog osmjeha, pogleda, tjela...
Želim te...
Osjetim to u srcu...
Napuniš me...
Toplinom svog poljubca...
Mirom svog dodira...
Jutru daš boju sunca,
Uzmeš loše snove prošle noči....
Uzmeš me u naručje...tvoje....
osjetim tvoje tjelo kako drhti...tvoje srce kriči za mojim..
Imam te dok ostavljaš tragove....
koje ču pamtitit dok opet jutro me ne probudi...
01.12.2005. u 11:29 | Komentari: 2 | Dodaj komentar
yes i do
I wish for this night-time to last for a lifetime.
The darkness around me,
Shores of a solar sea.
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun,
Sleeping, Weeping, With you....
30.11.2005. u 16:49 | Komentari: 0 | Dodaj komentar