za razmisliti
16.07.2007. u 15:34 | Komentari: 25 | Dodaj komentar
....i drive myself crazy
with myself.....
15.07.2007. u 18:24 | Komentari: 12 | Dodaj komentar
my love
...."Break down my will..a kiss for the kill..Bury me deep between death and the thrill.."....
13.07.2007. u 18:18 | Komentari: 8 | Dodaj komentar
možda neke stvari bolje prešutjeti...
neke osječaje zatajiti...
neke suze neizplakati....
....tebe ostaviti, da lutaš u svojoj tami...
ali prošlost mi to ne dozvoljava...
13.07.2007. u 12:32 | Komentari: 26 | Dodaj komentar
Tvoje ime je moja molitva
Dani dugi prolaze kroz maglu,
za sreču prodala sam boje duge.
Oči navikle, da ne vide.
Koža navikla,da ne osječa.
Na usnama ime tvoje,
spava godinama.
Razpucane od hladnoče,
grubih suza.
12.07.2007. u 23:01 | Komentari: 15 | Dodaj komentar
sweet dreams love...
12.07.2007. u 22:28 | Komentari: 6 | Dodaj komentar
if you want something you never had,do something you have never done...
don't go the way life takes you,take the life the way you go....
and remember you are born to live and not living because you are born....
12.07.2007. u 18:18 | Komentari: 3 | Dodaj komentar
put all your fears back in the shade,
don't become a ghost without no colour,
cause you're the best paint life ever
11.07.2007. u 11:51 | Komentari: 2 | Dodaj komentar
ljubav je....
...kad habucibe zna, da ja ne spavam i ide na posao, da može sa dečkima meni praviti društvo...ovdje na isrici....
; ))
11.07.2007. u 10:55 | Komentari: 9 | Dodaj komentar
Dugo sam tu...sad sam malo gledala po zapisima iz godine 2004,2005...
Nekad sam ovdje našla mir, poeziju...društvo za smjeh....
Kad svi vrište na tebe...u kuči imaš baš dobro dodje...zatvoriš se u sobu...svoj svjet....
A sad...još mi i ovdje tlak se diže...a imam slabo srce...nisam flegma...
Eto...ovaj tjedan napišem tu kurčevu diplomu....i odlazim...
10.07.2007. u 21:23 | Komentari: 11 | Dodaj komentar
pjevam...čuješ li me??
does it scare you that I can
be something different than you
would it make you feel more comfortable if I wasn't
you can't control me
and you can't take away from me who I am
there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
because this feeling
that has no meaning
there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
you can't change me
you can't break me
there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
10.07.2007. u 20:44 | Komentari: 9 | Dodaj komentar
no no no no
Second chances they don't Never matter, people never change.....
10.07.2007. u 13:59 | Komentari: 10 | Dodaj komentar
tvoje ime
..kad se pojavi u mojoj vip grupici...izgubim se...sasvim...
uh..znam...sječam se...kako sam gubila kontrolu nad sobom...kad...davno je od toga...a još znam sve tvoje poruke, zapise....slike....SAČUVALA SAM JIH U SRCU...
došla sam na iskricu zbog tebe...
...prva poruka je bila DOBRODOŠLA NA KROVU...
zbog tebe sam letjela...bila si moja utjeha...tada...sve je išlo pogrešno u mom životu...
nikada nisam zaspala brez tvoje poruke na moj mobi laku noč...tebi nina.... znam šta se desilo...
prekinili smo...sve...
...iako sam znala...nikad više netko kao ti...
fališ....fale mi tvoje rječi...tvoje mudrosti...
iako te nikada nisam vidjela...te dodirnula...znam...
ti si najlepša osoba pod suncem...
09.07.2007. u 22:40 | Komentari: 38 | Dodaj komentar
And I hate the phone
But I wish you'd call
And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could
Can't get my mind off of you
09.07.2007. u 20:39 | Komentari: 2 | Dodaj komentar
song in me...waiting for you
Digging a hole and the walls are caving
Behind me air's getting thin but I'm
I'm breathing in
Come find me
It hasn't felt like this before
It hasn't felt like home before you
And I know it's easy to say but it's
harder to feel
This way
And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could
Can't get my mind off of you
09.07.2007. u 11:58 | Komentari: 11 | Dodaj komentar