What is Love

It is not only you that feel like have lost direction.

I've been meaning to write to you for some time now, but honestly I haven't been able to put into words exactly what I want to say.

But I'm weary of tearing up half-finished letters, so I'm going to do my best and write what is on my heart. Now looking at your sweet love message you have left on my pillow last time you was here.

If this seems silly to you, because of circumstances, then please forgive me. Sorry but I must tell you what I feel about you.

Oh ..., how do I even begin to tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me?

How my heart aches to being near you, to hold you and kiss you and show you just how much I love you?

How do you write words like that? I know I cannot. I get paralyzed every time I want to put my feelings into words.
But I think about you always. You are on my mind when I awake in the morning and you are the last thing I think of when I fall asleep at night.

Do you remember, you and me, I was your only one. Now it seems that will be only memory. Do you recur sometimes … I do every day…
I don't want that to be only one more story from the past that happened to me …

I can see us seating on the coast of the river and kids playing around …
I can see you seating in the sofa wearing my pajamas that smells on me …
Nothing can make you disappear from my mind but your smell I was admiring so much is flagging slowly.

Sweet .... So perfect for me in every way.

I love every sms I have received from you. Every time I forgot my mobile at home I went back to pick it up because without of it I was feeling much away from you.

I loved to se you smiling, sleeping, being tired even being sad.
I loved to run my hand through your hair and feel your heat in my hard.
I loved to feel you under my fingers and welcome me with your kisses. Oh those kisses!
I loved you touching me and me touching you all around. Something about you affects me deep inside.

I love the way you are giving yourself to me, so trusting and honest and free.
The way you embrace me and love me.

The smell of your body, the warmth you radiate, the heat you project, the love you show me.
I couldn't resist every time I so your, not to touch you and to kiss you because you was my desire. I can feel you still now all the way through my body.
Now I breathe deeply to prevent not to start crying again and again.

But more than that I want to thank you for being there with me, for showing me what an important part of live love truly is.

For showing me that I am worth more than I dreamed I could be, that I am special to you. After I met you I noticed that I had forgotten and become lost along the way and you showed me that there is possible to find somebody who can be part of my self.
Now I just wary, if you were not the only one. If you do I wish you were mine. I'm afraid you were the last chance for me to spend the rest of my live being happy.

For that, although cliché perhaps, you give me some more of live.
And no words in a stupid letter could ever convey that what I truly felt about you.

Thank you ....
Thank you for your wonders you wake up in my feelings.
Thank you for your embrace, for the touch of love and for the wishes to be with me to the end of your live.

I declare to spend as much time as possible loving you, even without you, after all.
I love you .... Thank you for loving me.

Belief in love because love is everything, believe in love and don't live without it !!!
Love can change everything.

What to do to change this situation … or if it is impossible what to do to forget you?

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10.02.2007. u 18:36   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar