kako se zabaviti u nedjeljno jutro?:)
eto, ja se nekom greškom svog biološkog sata probudila u 9 ujutro...pa što da radim sad?:) naravno, sjela za komp, pa na net...proučavam profile ljudi koje sam jučer upoznala...malo si popunjavam vipicu...da ne zjapi prazna:) Ono, sad kad sam vas videjla, mogu potpunije doživjeti profile, blogove i to...:))) Usput si slušam Cohena...i uživam...slušala sam ga i jučer dok sam doma išla...i bilo mi je super:) tko zna kad će ostali CDi doći na red:) Možda kroz godinu dana:)))
28.12.2003. u 10:22 | Komentari: 47 | Dodaj komentar
Ljudi moji predragi, želim Vam da sad, kad imate malo više vremena, preko Božićnih blagdana, krenete u ostvarenje svih svojih ljubavnih želja:))))))) Vaša Scare
24.12.2003. u 23:02 | Komentari: 45 | Dodaj komentar
Sad znam sve:)
Vele na Latinici da se dečki ne mogu nositi sa osvještenim ženama današnjice...Ono, svi bi Pepeljugu za rintanje po kući i nisu spremni biti partneri...nego šefovi...poučeni tradicionalnim odgojem djedova...:) Dečki, da vas sad čujem! Jel' istina to kaj vele?:)
22.12.2003. u 21:22 | Komentari: 108 | Dodaj komentar
PUSS IN BOOTS:))))))))))))))))))
ništa vam drugo neću reći, osim da sam puss in boots:))))))) Čitali ste tu pričicu, jelda?:))))))) Znate o čemu pričam:)))))))
18.12.2003. u 20:47 | Komentari: 36 | Dodaj komentar
Scaroslawin dan:))))))))))
e danas vam je Scare jako ugodno provela dan:) Prvo me je šef obradovao ujutro sa (nazovimo to tako) ...službenim poklonom:) pa sam se sama na poslu uveseljavala sa (nazovimo to tako)...nečim što me jako veseli,a za što sam se jučer cijeli dan pripremala na netu,...pod pauzom sam si otišla kupiti jednu preslatku jaknicu (ma kupila bi ja i čizme uz nju, ali nisu imali broja:) ..posle posla sam otišla na (nazovimo to tako) ...fuš:)))))...e a posle toga sam otišla kozmetičarki i sad sam prekokrasna:))))) i konac dana provodim chattajući sa bivšim na netu:))))) posle naravno još moram raditi...da ne bi vi mislili kak je meni samo sve lepo u životu:)))
16.12.2003. u 17:32 | Komentari: 35 | Dodaj komentar
Tražim Djeda Mraza po netu:)
Kaj mislite, hoću li ga naći?:)))) Jel ikome od vas to uspjelo?
15.12.2003. u 15:37 | Komentari: 63 | Dodaj komentar
Glory Box
I'm so tired, of playing
Playing with this bow and arrow
Gonna give my heart away
Leave it to the other girls to play
For I've been a temptress too long
Just. .
Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be a woman
I just wanna be a woman
From this time, unchained
We're all looking at a different picture
Thru this new frame of mind
A thousand flowers could bloom
Move over, and give us some room
Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be ee, a woman
I just wanna be a woman
So don't you stop, being a man
Just take a little look from our side when you can
Sow a little tenderness
No matter if you cry
Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be ee, a woman
Its all I wanna be is all woman
For this is the beginning of forever and ever
Its time to move over... ...
....za ovu bar znate za koga je:)))))))
12.12.2003. u 0:36 | Komentari: 8 | Dodaj komentar
I belong to ...?
...pitali me kome je posvećen blog dolje ispod...i znate kaj, blesavo zvuči, ali mi se samo sviđa pjesma, i apsolutno nikome nije posvećen... sad ne znam jel to tužno kaj nikome nije posvećen, ili je to možda čak smešno...ja bi to čak možda nazvala groteskom:)
11.12.2003. u 23:47 | Komentari: 34 | Dodaj komentar
I belong to you
You are the flame in my heart
You light my way in the dark
You are the ultimate star
You lift me from up above
Your unconditional love
Takes me to paradise
I belong to you
And you
You belong to me too
You make my life complete
You make me feel so sweet
You make me feel so divine
Your soul and mind are entwined
Before you I was blind
But since I've opened my eyes
And with you there's no disguise
So I could open up my mind
I always loved you from the start
But I could not figure out
That I had to do it everyday
So I put away the fight
Now I'm gonna live my life
Giving you the most in every way
11.12.2003. u 20:27 | Komentari: 9 | Dodaj komentar
Coffee Super Scarecrow Contest :)))))))
Dakle, ide ovako: ja sam vam se sad lijepo probudila, pustila sam si jednu pjesmicu za dobro jutro i još bolje raspoloženje...a vi pogodite koja je to pjesmica:))))))) Pobjedniku/ci plaćam kavu:)))))) Hint: PF:))))))
11.12.2003. u 11:11 | Komentari: 128 | Dodaj komentar
Still got the blues
Used to be so easy to give my heart away
But I found out the hard way
There's a price you have to pay
I found out that love was no friend of mine
I should have known time after time
So long, it was so long ago
But I've still got the blues for you
Used to be so easy to fall in love again
But I found out the hard way
It's a road that leads to pain
I found that love was more than just a game
You're playin' to win
But you lose just the same
So long, it was so long ago
But I've still got the blues for you
So many years since I've seen your face
Here in my heart, there's an empty space
Where you used to be
So long, it was so long ago
But I've still got the blues for you
Though the days come and go
There is one thing I know
I've still got the blues for you.
11.12.2003. u 0:41 | Komentari: 5 | Dodaj komentar
Which car you drive? :)
Passionate and romantic, you fancy yourself. A bit unreliable, and can be eccentric too. You hate BMW drivers, but think and act just like them.
You would like to believe you are part of the new generation that is caring, environmentally conscious and family-orientated. Actually quite boring; nothing more than a glorified wuss. Will one day probably drive a Merc, but you still sometimes wonder if you shouldn't have bought that Bee-Em.
Self-centred, ambitious, dynamic and assertive. Can be a big show-off pig. Likes impressing too. Buppies and kugels past sell-by date. You think you will be CEO one day. Actually an office weenie who thinks you are God's gift.
Faceless, subservient and demure (except for Matiz drivers). To you, a good deal is to work from nine to five, get nothing for it, and still say thank you. And then you wonder why you don't have money for a time after hours.
Cute self-confident girls climbing the corporate ladder with ball-breaking as their hidden agenda. Will take everything you own if she divorces you.
You still live in the 70's, trying to cope with the 90's (don't even mention the millennium). A loyal, diligent worker, but baffled by office politics and labour policies. Next car will probably also be a Ford.
You aspire to drive a BMW. You are an opinionated pain-in-the-butt. The ultimate suffragette, or the boss's girlfriend (male or female!).
You like the smell of diesel and have secret fantasy of being a truck driver.
Hyundai /Kia
Quite progressive, intelligent and practical. But misguided. The kind of person who will suggest a sub-committee to find solutions to what the committee couldn't. You will always maintain that a Korean car is better than any Japanese model.
You would like to believe you are living the American dream and just love the great outdoors. The closest you get to it is by watching Days of Our Lives and the Adventure Channel.
Land Rover
You are a designer person with a designer life, who always pays too much for everything. Designer mud comes free with the badge. You're a closet colonial racist and have fantasies about the Queen. If you have a Freelander, it was probably a break-up gift from your ex.
A Ford driver with less money. Mostly staid boring with no image and less imagination. Lots of retired people drive Mazdas. You're in the way and should get off the road.
Responsible, immaculate and conservative. Boring CEO clones with too much money, or the office super-geek who can't remember what it's like to have fun. Definitely not dating material.
Good, solid, responsible, loyal office-fodder. You like to travel and maintain that you can sell ice to the Eskimos. Favourite answer: "It's a company car."
Wannabe Schumachers. Would like a VW, but fell for the bumf about German engineering. Always in a rush, but never get anything done. Kicks BMW 3 series butts because they can. Spend all their money on trying to keep it going.
Thinks France is the best country in the world and bores everybody with your limited French knowledge and tales of the Louvre and the Sourbonne. “But Mademoiselle! Ze c’not doo zat ‘ere!!!!!”
An eccentric who likes doing things the wrong way around. Usually the one who asks all the silly questions at staff meetings. You fervently believe you have flair, but it's less than that of a French cookbook. Most probably gay.
Although there are thousands of them, you mostly can’t spot them in their zero-image cars. Toyotas are good, reliable cars and are bought by a wide variety of people who have zero personality to go with their cars and are basically chicken-shit scared people who will never take chances and will therefore be driving Toyotas forever.
The most zero-image car in the world?, ... a white Corolla
Highly overrated for dependability cars since the days of the Beetle, but they do have a good re-sale value. Usually practical, sensible people who like to drive fast where nobody can see them. They are usually loyal to their brand to the point of irritation due to the fact that they lost their virginity on a Beetle's back seat.
As square and safe as the car
07.12.2003. u 9:47 | Komentari: 9 | Dodaj komentar
Ratno stanje u kući:)
Dakle, živim ja u kući...i imam naravno tinejđera u kući:)))) Koji misli da je svijet njegov i da može svirati glasno kad poželi...:) A meni se to baš ne sviđa, jer ja jako cijenim svoj popodnevni mir i san:) I tako svira on već par dana, preglasno za moje pojmove, jer ako to ja čujem dva kata niže, nemre biti normalno. Šaljem SMS, daj stišaj, i tak..i svaki put on stiša, ali...opet poglasni...i opet ja nemam mira...slušam svoju laganu opuštajuću muzikicu, a uz to njegove basove...dum, dum, dum...i bude mi dosta toga navlačenja. A čuj, ako ne ide lijepo, onda ide nekako drugačije:)) Dosjetim se ja da to na što ja slušam svoje relaksacijske CDiće može biti i glasnije,(jer sam malo frik na tehniku-ono, od pojačala do zvučnika) pa uzmem neki divlji CD (Clash) i tako, nafrljim ja to, na onako, pola snage, otprilike:)))))) I znate što, sad imam svoj mir opet:) Nekako je prestao glasno svirati:))
P.S. Prozori i sva stakla na kući su nam još u jednom komadu:)))))
04.12.2003. u 19:55 | Komentari: 26 | Dodaj komentar
koliko ljudi - toliko ćudi:)
ili, ovo se samo meni može dogoditi!
Šetam ja večeras svoje zlato, kad iza ćoška ide žena, i veli nekome, "ide pesek" i sad si ja mislim (nisam vidla ko to je s njom)...ili ima pesa ili dete...i dobro, ako je pes, budu se poigrali, ako je dete, moj bu pes samo prošel kraj deteta, i sve OK. Ali ona je imala sa sobom u šetnji-MAČKA! I sad normalno, vidi macan moje zlato, potrči prema drvetu, i ostane tamo, moje zlato potrči za njim...ali zlato se vratilo k meni, ali je njen macan ostao na drvetu...I sad, meni bed, jer je moj pas kriv kaj je macan na drvetu, žao mi žene jer znate koliko mačku treba da siđe s drveta...još bu satima stajala i zvala ga a vani je zima...ukratko, tak nekaj se samo meni more u šetnji desiti!
02.12.2003. u 0:06 | Komentari: 45 | Dodaj komentar
Koji bi bio vaš drugi izbor zanimanja, da niste to što jeste?:)))))
JA BIH BILA TAKSISTA U ZAGREBU:)))))))) to mi se čini kao jako zanimljivo, zahtjevno i poučno zanimanje:)
30.11.2003. u 23:25 | Komentari: 47 | Dodaj komentar