
Lord I got to keep on movingLord I got to get on downLord I've got to keep on movingWhere I can't be found, where I can't be foundLord they coming after meI've been accused on my missionJAH knows you shouldn't doFor hanging me they were willing yeah! yeah!And that's why I've got to get on thruLord they coming after meLord I got to keep on movingLord I got to get on downLord I've got to keep on movingWhere I can't be foundLord they're coming after me I know someday we'll find that pieceOf land somewhere not nearby Babylonthe war will soon be over and AfricaWill unite the children who liveth inDarkness have seen the great lightI've got two boys and a womanAnd I know they won't suffer nowJAH forgive me for not going backBut I'll be there anyhowYes I'll be there anyhowLord I got to keep on movingLord I got to get on downLord I've got to keep on movingWhere I can't be found, where I can't be foundLord they coming after me

15.07.2006. u 15:40   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

može prevod?

Autor: shea   |   15.07.2006. u 15:42   |   opcije

a da komentiramo na kineskom?!

Autor: mirna4   |   15.07.2006. u 15:44   |   opcije

to se inače sluša u reggae ritmu..see.;)

Autor: kymani   |   15.07.2006. u 15:45   |   opcije

riječi imaš,daj onda i muziku

Autor: mirna4   |   15.07.2006. u 15:46   |   opcije

klatin se u ritmu dok čitan ali jopet niš..

Autor: shea   |   15.07.2006. u 15:47   |   opcije

k-čak,k-čak,k-čak...tak nekak...je bolje:))

Autor: kymani   |   15.07.2006. u 15:50   |   opcije

hm..no. ne razumin niš dalje..toliko se klatin da ću ispast' iz stolice...:(

Autor: shea   |   15.07.2006. u 15:52   |   opcije

a onda kad padneš..Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight

Autor: kymani   |   15.07.2006. u 15:55   |   opcije

je..lako je reć..a kako misliš da je meni..padni-diži se..i tako to...lipo je s tobon povedat na engleškon..:)

Autor: shea   |   15.07.2006. u 15:57   |   opcije

ky..ja se klatin i dalje..jel da stanen?!

Autor: shea   |   15.07.2006. u 16:10   |   opcije

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