Ne zna samo red_griffinka ovdje engleski!

Though you may not fully know whether the teachers of the various localities are wrong or right, if your own basis is solid and genuine, the poisons of wrong doctrines will not be able to harm you, "keeping the mind still" and "forgetting concerns" included. If you always "forget concerns" and "keep the mind still," without smashing the mind of birth and death, then the delusive influences of form, sensation, perception, volition, and consciousness will get their way, and you'll inevitably be dividing emptiness into two.
Let go and make yourself vast and expansive. When old habits suddenly arise, don't use mind to repress them. At just such a time, it's like a snowflake on a red-hot stove. For those with a discerning eye and a familiar hand, one leap and they leap clear.
Only then do they know lazy Jung's saying: right when using mind, there's no mental activity. Crooked talk defiled with names and forms, straight talk without complications. Without mind but functioning, always functioning but non-existent -- the mindlessness I speak of now is not separate from having mind. These aren't words to deceive people.

28.07.2006. u 14:45   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

pure copy paste

Autor: sitting_duck   |   28.07.2006. u 14:46   |   opcije

strasno mi je poznato, hm...:D

Autor: violetna   |   28.07.2006. u 14:49   |   opcije

..da, znam i ja....helou...disizbil...majfrendbil....helouuuu.... stikrz, pikčrz end marblz.... etc.

Autor: big_beauty   |   28.07.2006. u 14:54   |   opcije

normalno da je kopi pejst. ali ja to znam čitati (nadimlju mi se grudi od ponosa)

Autor: sjecas_li_se_   |   28.07.2006. u 14:58   |   opcije

ona je popularna jer je munjena a ne jer piše ingleščinu!!

Autor: MisterKenedi   |   28.07.2006. u 14:59   |   opcije

ja nju volim, bliska mi je nekako :D

Autor: violetna   |   28.07.2006. u 15:02   |   opcije


Autor: sjecas_li_se_   |   28.07.2006. u 15:02   |   opcije

violetna, pričaj nam o tome malo... mhmm...

Autor: sjecas_li_se_   |   28.07.2006. u 15:03   |   opcije

grifinka voli "oli se sicaas"

Autor: red_griffin   |   28.07.2006. u 15:20   |   opcije

uff... zacrvenio sam se.. kak se to piše?

Autor: sjecas_li_se_   |   28.07.2006. u 15:31   |   opcije

od cega si se zacrvenio? :)

Autor: red_griffin   |   28.07.2006. u 15:33   |   opcije

griffica ide na morje za wknd. pusa na vrh nosa.

Autor: red_griffin   |   28.07.2006. u 15:35   |   opcije

he he, rosy lil cheeks, come out come out, wherever you are!! :)

Autor: red_griffin   |   28.07.2006. u 15:36   |   opcije

provir - provir...
snif snif

Autor: sjecas_li_se_   |   28.07.2006. u 15:50   |   opcije

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