"I Want it All" depeche mode

I see a river
It's oceans that I want
You have to give me everything
Everything's not enough
It's my desire
To give myself to you
Sometimes I try
Sometimes I lie, with you
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I die, it's true
Somewhere I find
Something that's kind
And I've crossed the line again
A line I drew in sand
Still you give me everything
And everything's not enough
I'm ready but not willing
To give myself to you
Sometimes I try
Sometimes I lie, with you
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I die, it's true
Somewhere I find
Something that's kind
Come on over
Lay down beside me
And I'll try
Come on over
Lay down beside me
And I'll try 
And I'll try
I want it all

08.08.2006. u 23:32   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

...što bi to trebalo biti????

Autor: sagittariusclassic   |   08.08.2006. u 23:36   |   opcije

a šta...pjesma koja mi se sviđa, od omiljenog benda...šta je pisac htjeo reči? eh

Autor: la-donna-ines   |   08.08.2006. u 23:38   |   opcije

...aaaaaaaaaaa DM...

Autor: sagittariusclassic   |   08.08.2006. u 23:42   |   opcije

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