bisexual or lesbian Croatian girls

is it just me or has it occurred to anybody else that virtually all the lesbian or bisexual Croatian girls on this site are really, really hot and sexy while the rest are really, really plain, average, boring or ugly?
I'm not a detective, but something definitely smells fishy here...

17.08.2006. u 15:19   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

exactly, something really smells fishy :D

Autor: gargameljura   |   17.08.2006. u 15:22   |   opcije

obviosly the ones uploading the pics to their bi profiles do not consider the girls they hope to get to send their pics plain :D nonetheless, the thing I find funny is when they say "bisexual" and then go on expressing their disgust at the idea of a male attempting to establish contact... wouldn't it be easier to just write "homosexual" in the profile???

Autor: pike_TS   |   17.08.2006. u 15:23   |   opcije


Autor: pike_TS   |   17.08.2006. u 15:23   |   opcije

o, da :)))

Autor: sealed-with-a-kiss   |   17.08.2006. u 15:23   |   opcije

a je,pajk,i ja sam to primijetio :)

Autor: Ra100ke   |   17.08.2006. u 15:28   |   opcije

become a detective:)

Autor: konstanta   |   17.08.2006. u 15:39   |   opcije

ra100, ja zaključio da su tipovi toliko tupavi da im nisu baš najjasnije definicije ponuđenih opcija za deklariranje seksualnih preferenci :D

Autor: pike_TS   |   17.08.2006. u 15:44   |   opcije

sounds a lot like the one: I'm not gay, but the guy I'm sleeping with is...

Autor: Bome-Nije-Los   |   17.08.2006. u 16:15   |   opcije

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