Jos jedna srcedrapateljna

There's a little part of me
Inside of you
And it's growing up
As you do
And I hope you see this world
Through my eyes
But I hope you don't see
The tears I cry
 And I hope you know
That it's not you
It's my life
And what I do
And I hope you know
That everyday
I hold you close
In some way

31.08.2006. u 12:50   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

mislim ono kad si se već trudio/la red je da dobiješ jedan komentar pohvale za svoj tekst.

Autor: TManCom   |   31.08.2006. u 13:13   |   opcije

pa nije moj tekst. samo je prepisano od Reamnonna. :))

Autor: freebee   |   01.09.2006. u 11:19   |   opcije

jako lijepo

Autor: caramela   |   11.09.2006. u 14:28   |   opcije

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