Coffee brake

So unimpressed, but so in awe  Such a saint, but such a whore  So self-aware, so full of shit  So indesisive, so adiment

So rock and roll, so corporate suit  So damn ugly, so damn cute  So well trained, so animal  So need your love so fuck you all

11.09.2006. u 16:45   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Kavna kočnica? :)

Autor: cottoneyed   |   11.09.2006. u 16:54   |   opcije

da, i "So indecisive, so adamant" :)

Autor: pike_TS   |   11.09.2006. u 16:59   |   opcije

ah...robbie,....c/p, kava...mučnina....

Autor: Knock_Me_Down   |   11.09.2006. u 17:04   |   opcije

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