Inline Skating Technique #1

First, we establish the proper stance and balance for inline skating. Second, we delve into the most important maneuver of all, the heel stop. Next, the best way to turn on inline skates is covered including edging and weight distribution. Finally, we put it all together with the striding and gliding procedure, which prepares you to skate efficiently and effectively.
Stance and Balance
Establishing a good athletic stance and balance is of prime importance to the novice skater. A proper posture is essential for the mastery of the procedures that follow.
To establish a regular skating stance:

Stand in the ready position.
Place you hands out in front of you.
Bend your arms at the elbows to a 45-degree angle with your upper body.
Bend at the knees, so that your weight is on the balls of your feet.
You should feel your lower shins pressed against the tongues of your skates.
Bend forward slightly at the waist as if sitting in a chair.
That's it! You’ve now established the correct skating stance to maximize your balance. Your center of gravity is now centered over your skates. You should be able to draw an imaginary line from your shoulders, through your hips, and down to your ankles.
Now, let’s take it a step further and add a staggered positioning of the feet. This works to improve your stability and allows an inline skater to absorb bumps and vibrations while remaining in balance at all times.
To establish a staggered skating stance:

Repeat steps 1 through 5 from the above procedure.
When you’re ready, separate your feet until they are about 10 to 12 inches apart.
Position your right skate out in front of you while your left skate remains behind.
Adjust this staggered positioning until the heel of the front skate is about even with the toe of the back skate.
There you have it! The staggered stance keeps you stable, centered over your skates, and in balance.
Remember to keep your muscles relaxed. You’ll be able to handle varied terrain and changing speeds, as well as conserve energy and avoid fatigue, if you learn to relax.

06.10.2006. u 13:26   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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