Inline Skating Technique #3

Turning effectively on inline skates requires edging and weight transfer, which are the basic skills involved in alpine skiing and parallel turning.
To make one turn to your right:

Push off with both skates.
Skate a short distance to gain speed.
Go into a staggered stance with hands out front.
Keep your feet about 10 to 12 inches apart.
The heel of the right skate should be about even with the toe of the left skate.
Place more pressure on the outside edges of the wheels of your right skate by pushing down with the ball and big toe of your right foot.
While shifting your weight in this manner, be sure to also move your upper body and arms in the direction you want to go.
This helps to compliment the above movement in the lower body.
Point your hips and feet to the right.
Keep you legs together and coast to a stop.
To make one turn to your left:

Push off with both skates.
Skate a short distance to gain speed.
Drop into a staggered stance with hands out front.
Keep your feet about 10 to 12 inches apart.
Place more pressure on the outside edges of your left skate by pushing down with the ball and big toe of your left foot.
While shifting your weight, be sure to move your upper body and arms in the direction you want to go.
Point your hips and feet to the left.
Keep your legs together and coast to a stop.
You’ve just completed a turn to the right and a turn to the left. Practice the drills below to get used to doing linked parallel turns, and turning in a circular motion.
Drill #4: Parallel Turning with a Heel Stop
To set up the pylons for parallel turning:

Place six pylons or the equivalent to form a flat, ski-like racing course.
Draw a chalk line at the end about 5 to 10 feet after the last pylon.
Draw a chalk line at the start about 10 to 15 feet before the first pylon.
To link six turns together:

Push off from the starting line.
Skate three strides to gain some speed.
Place more pressure on the outside edges of your right skate.
Point your hips, feet, and upper body to the right.
Complete the turn to your right by coasting around the first pylon.
Now, place more pressure on the outside edges of your left skate.
Point your hips, feet, and upper body to the left.
Complete the turn to your left by coasting around the second pylon.
Make four more linked turns as you roll through the course.
Do a heel stop at the chalk line at the end of the course.
Return to the starting line.
Repeat the drill 15 times.
Drill #5: Turning on an Elliptical Track
To set up the track:

Space the six pylons or equivalent in an elliptical track.
To turn on an elliptical track:

Skate continuously around the track for 15 minutes.
Reverse directions.
Skate continuously around the track for an additional 15 minutes.
Tip: In the Advanced Skating Techniques, we take it a step further and do linked parallel turns in a quick, dynamic, and rhythmic manner by rolling the ankles to initiate the next turn. For now, just get used to the movement and the feeling you get in your lower body by linking several turns together. Later, we’ll work on your mechanics and fluidity.

10.10.2006. u 10:31   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Idi više u pičku materinu s tim sranjem!!

Autor: skylab   |   10.10.2006. u 10:55   |   opcije

te nesto muci ?

Autor: freebee   |   10.10.2006. u 10:56   |   opcije

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