Reality check!!!!

20.11.2006. u 0:33   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

..s vremena na vrijeme.. dobra ideja uistinu! :)

Autor: Tomasz_15   |   20.11.2006. u 0:43   |   opcije

It'd darn well better get a whole lot nicer if it expects me to write out checks to her name! :D

Autor: pike_TS   |   20.11.2006. u 0:53   |   opcije

Tnx but no tnx =P

Autor: _sarah_   |   20.11.2006. u 1:00   |   opcije

no thanks? I happen to have been referring to Reality (with a capital R), not sure what you thought it was supposed to refer to.. :DD

Autor: pike_TS   |   20.11.2006. u 1:17   |   opcije

1 reality check per day is TOTALLY enough!
2 are 2 much, 3 i can NOT handle :)

Autor: _sarah_   |   20.11.2006. u 1:30   |   opcije

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