
All my good life I've been a lonely man,Teachin' my people who don't understand;And even though I tried my best,I still can't find no happiness.So I got to say:Stop that train: I'm leavin'

14.01.2007. u 18:20   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Je...imaš pravo...sutra! Al' se neću brisat. Nek ostane....

Autor: Gordon_   |   14.01.2007. u 18:27   |   opcije

My way is long, but the road is foggy,
My way is long so long, but the road is foggy, foggy

Autor: kymani   |   14.01.2007. u 18:42   |   opcije

Not foggy, just misty!...a to baš i nije mala razlika.

Autor: Gordon_   |   14.01.2007. u 19:15   |   opcije

Even though the road is so so foggy, foggy yeah
Can hardly see, Jah Jah is my eyesight

Autor: kymani   |   14.01.2007. u 19:43   |   opcije

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