Oće se ko obogatit? Evo nudim vam zlatnu priliku

Assalamu'alaikum wr wbr,
I am Abdullah from Iraq. I got your email address through search in the Internet. I hope in the name of ALLAH that I have the right person who will assist me.
I am looking for an esperienced company.imdividual tat can invest the sum of Twenty one million united states dollars ($21,000000.00 USD) outside my country (Iraq). As such I am contacting persons like you residing outside iraq for assistance.
Note,the funds are already with a security company, which also has branches in Europe and America for safe keeping. If you are willing to assist me, You will help me collect the funds from the Security Company as I cannot travel out from iraq at the moment because of certain conditions which I will explain to you if we work together.
The dead of Saddam Hussein is causing alot of worries for us here in iraq and has brought destruction / Hell to our great country and everything is practically difficult now and opportuinities are closing up,the new government is trying to frustrate our businesses. Please if you accept this offer of assistance you are required to give me your Name, age, occupation, address also enclosing your telephone fax numbers.
I am ready to pay 5% for your role as the beneficiary partner to the funds. Also, a subsequent 10% "Management Commission" will be paid for your advised investment services. A further 5% will be used to write off any expenses incurred in the course of transferring the principal sum. What I now need from you are as follows:
1.You should travel to the Security Company to secure the funds in cash on my behalf and open a Bank account in your country for me with the credentials i will give you.
2.As soon as you confirm to me by e-mail your readiness to travel to the Security Company as my Family's proxy , I will send the PIN code number of the consignment to you and also the security Company's information.
3.I will also most importantly know if you have the apprioprate travel documents.
4.Please note that this project is 100% risk free but you must keep it very secret and confidential with strong assurance that you will not let me down at all.
I eagerly await your reply.
Abdullah Abdullah.

09.02.2007. u 18:07   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

...odgovor: " budalo, ja sam se bogato oženio za, naravno jedinicu, sve kaj trebam je poigrat se sa kočnicama na autu i poslat ju da dođe po mene na sljeme. I nemoj me više jebat sa kikiriki lovom...:)

Autor: sagittariusclassic   |   09.02.2007. u 18:14   |   opcije

Vakih mailova dobijem dnevno barem 10. Onda kad mi se da zajebavat, šaljem odgovore da ne radim sa svotama manjim od 100.000.000 US$, da mi se ne isplati.

Autor: Catman   |   09.02.2007. u 18:17   |   opcije

Onda su me zajebali, pa su počeli slat ponude da im prebacim 110.000.000. E reko - zajebi, na godišnjem sam.

Autor: Catman   |   09.02.2007. u 18:18   |   opcije

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