Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  How I wonder what you are.  Up above the world so high,  Like a diamond in the sky.
 Then the traveler in the dark  Thanks you for your tiny spark;  He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so.
 Twinkle, twinkle, little star,  How I wonder what you are!


15.01.2008. u 19:48   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

daj jos par puta,mozda i propjevas

Autor: M_kao_Marino   |   15.01.2008. u 19:48   |   opcije

a kad ne mogu složit u format kak bi ja htjela, pa me živcira!!

Autor: winnie   |   15.01.2008. u 19:49   |   opcije

kaj te briga,dobro je i ovako

Autor: M_kao_Marino   |   15.01.2008. u 19:50   |   opcije

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