What is Hope?

Hope is moving on
When out hearts have been  broken and torn.
Hope is beliving there is light
When darkness has seemed to take over our sight.
Hope is picking up the phone
When we are feeling empty and alone.
Hope is giving ourselves a new start
When feeling we are falling apart.
Hope is lending a hand to others who need it so
When we are feeling overflowed.
Hope is being grateful for today
And learning from mistakes we made.
Hope is taking a look around
When we are feeling down.
Hope is a smile
And a reminder to oursalves we are worthwhile.
Hope is learning to forgive
And letting go of the negative.
Hope is looking at what we've got
Instead of What we've not.
Hope is seeing the sun through the rain
And when we fall picking ourselves up again.

26.06.2004. u 4:16   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

dati nebi ja ovo prevodio,ma čoviče dostami je engleza u životu

Autor: Rocky1   |   26.06.2004. u 5:54   |   opcije

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