
I've got to go back home
This couldn't be my home
It must be somewhere else
Or I would kill myself cause...

I can't get no clothes to wear
Can't get no food to eat
I can't get a job to get bread
That's why I've got to...

I've got to go back home
If I've got to walk
I've got to go back home
If I've got to swim
I've got to go back home

There is no gladness
Nothing but sadness
Nothing like a future here
I've got to - I've got to leave this land
I've got to find myself on some other sand
I just can't stand this life I'm living

I can't get no clothes to wear
Can't get no food to eat
I can't get a job to get bread
That's why I've got to...

I've got to go back home
If I've got to walk
I've got to go back home
Even if I've got to fly
I've got to go back home

04.02.2009. u 18:25   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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