sto traziti br 2.

nakon x godina.....i ja sam dosla do ovog zakljucka!
Confession Time: I used to look at a cute, funny, charismatic guy and think: "Yum, yum! I want him!" Now I know better. Now I look at loving, happy couples—watch the happy, healthy dynamic between the guy and girl— and think: "Yum, yum! I want that!"My Lesson/Your Lesson: True love is a that—not a him.Translation: True love is not a wish list but a "wish feeling." And the number one feeling—even before the feeling of love—is the feeling of safety. Without feeling safe, you will never feel true love. You must have trust in your partner's character and prioritize finding a partner who is honest, communicative, and empathic—someone who values growing—so you can feel safe to vulnerably be your truest core self with him—and then together the two of you can support one another to grow into your best possible selves.
----neke zene se osjecaju sigurno samo uz bogate muskarce :)

12.11.2009. u 16:23   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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