Sretna Nova

Check out the real situation:
Nation war against nation.
Where did it all begin?
When will it end?
Well, it seems like: total destruction the only solution,
And there ain't no use: no one can stop them now.
Ain't no use: nobody can stop them now.

Give them an inch, they take a yard;
Give them a yard, they take a mile (ooh);
Once a man and twice a child
And everything is just for a while.
It seems like: total destruction the only solution,
And there ain't no use: no one can stop them now.
There ain't no use: no one can stop them now;
Ain't no use: no one can stop them now;
There ain't no use: no one can stop them now.

01.01.2010. u 16:44   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

s kin se ti svađaš?

Autor: mish-mash   |   01.01.2010. u 17:35   |   opcije

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