It's OK to be gay!
19.06.2010. u 19:43 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
Autor: Digital-Eden | 19.06.2010. u 19:56 | opcije
Spot je super :))
Autor: forsaken | 19.06.2010. u 19:58 | opcije
This video is exceptionally gay. Most gay people aren't quite this flamboyant. Though I've got nothing against flamingly homosexual guys, they can be just a little bit annoying sometimes. :)
Autor: Digital-Eden | 19.06.2010. u 19:58 | opcije
Meni je to simpa :)
Autor: forsaken | 19.06.2010. u 20:03 | opcije
sad sam tek vidjela do kraja. zbilja je sjajan spot. :)
Autor: Digital-Eden | 19.06.2010. u 20:31 | opcije