chasing amy...

I'm feeling awful, but I'm all alone
I'm just missing someone I don't even know
Untill I find him, I'll wait patiently
Just feeling nothing deep inside of me
Where are you baby, where could you be
Why aren't you here, loving me
'Cause I wanna kiss you and make you feel right
I wanna love you all through the night
I wanna feel passion, I wanna feel pain
I wanna weep on the sound of your name
Come make me laugh, come make me cry
Just make me feel - alive

28.11.2004. u 12:26   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Pjesnička duša.. nije loše :)

Autor: Coverdale   |   28.11.2004. u 12:41   |   opcije

nisu moje riječi :)
al tako se danas osjećam :)

Autor: Leilani-m   |   28.11.2004. u 12:44   |   opcije

to je taaako dobar film :)

Autor: lunasole   |   28.11.2004. u 13:01   |   opcije

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