onur je papak
Kineski je Chiphell jučer objavio tablicu sa specifikacijama AMD-ovih HD6750 i HD6770 kartica koje uskoro izlaze. Po podacima vidljivim iz tablice, Barts Pro i Barts XT što su kodna imena GPU-a, donijeti će razinu performansi točno malo manju od HD5850, odnosno HD5870 kartica. Ukoliko cijene kartica ostanu na razini modela koje zamjenjuju, tj. HD5750 i HD5770 biti će to pun pogodak za AMD, a Nvidia će se naći u još težem stanju.
Naime, Barts GPU-i , napravljeni u 40nm procesu (kao i GPU-i iz 5-serije) doživjeli su arhitekturalne izmjene pa sada broje 1120 shadera za Pro, odnosno 1280 shadera za XT verziju, što je za 400, odnosno za 480 više nego kod Juniper Pro, odnosno Juniper XT GPU-a. Uz to i frekvencija je porasla pa će Barts Pro raditi na 725MHz, a XT na čak 900MHz. To znači kako Pro verzija sada ima sirovu snagu od 1.624 TFLopsa a XT 2.304 TFLopsa. U slučaju HD6750 kartice to znači da joj je procesna moć veća od HD5750 za oko 61%. HD6770 je pak za oko 69% snažnija od HD5770. Broj teksturnih jedinica je sa 36 povećan na 56 (Juniper Pro vs. Barts Pro), tj. sa 40 na 64 (Juniper XT vs. Barts XT), a broj ROP jedinice je kod oba GPU-a porastao duplo - sa 16 na 32.
Uz to, promjene je doživjelo i memorijsko sučelje pa je ono sada 256-bitno, umjesto 128-bitnog kod dosadašnjih modela. Obje kartice će biti opremljene sa GDDR5 memorijom, a ona na HD6750 će raditi na 1000MHz (4Gbps), dok će na HD6770 raditi na 1050MHz (4.2Gbps). To znači kako će im memorijska propusnost biti 128GB/s, tj. 134.4Gb/s. Po svemu sudeći HD6750 se već sada čini kao odlična kupovina
01.10.2010. u 10:44 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
Autor: river | 01.10.2010. u 10:44 | opcije
No habla.
Autor: Svirep | 01.10.2010. u 10:51 | opcije
živio ati...
Autor: jebes_nick_i_profil | 01.10.2010. u 10:53 | opcije
S druge strane, HD 6750 i 5850 čini se da su identične memorijsku propusnost i piksela popuniti stopa. It also has a GPU of 725MHz and its memory clocked at 1,000 MHz. Ona također ima GPU na 725MHz i memorije radi na 1000 MHz. Whereas the HD 6770 operates at a full 900MHz for the Barts XT chip and 1,050 for the GDDR5 VRAM. Dok HD 6770 radi na 900MHz za punu XT čip BARTS i 1.050 za GDDR5 VRAM.
Autor: cistaticatraziauto | 01.10.2010. u 10:54 | opcije
Translacija mozga od vanjskih podržaja vizualnog cortex-a u sliku koju zadržavate u glavi potječe kompletno od vanjskih mustri elektromagnetskih valova. Možda o tomu niste nikada mislisli na taj način, no crvena boja ne postoji! Crvena boja je subjektivna konstrukcija onog što je samo elektromagnetski val s određenom frekvencijom, amplitudom i fazom. Insekti sa samo dva tipa pigmentskih perceptora boja imaju kompletno drugačiju subjektivnu predstavu te iste boje koju mi nazivamo crvenom, jer ju ne mogu vidjeti, pa će ju percipirati kao crnu. Čak neznamo ni kako ostali članovi čovječanstva percipiraju crvenu boju!
Autor: JelenLopatar | 01.10.2010. u 10:55 | opcije
jeleneeee..životinnje na raspoznaju boje!!!!
Autor: cistaticatraziauto | 01.10.2010. u 10:56 | opcije
da, zato se sluze osjetilom opipa ..
Autor: JelenLopatar | 01.10.2010. u 10:59 | opcije
Puževi se najviše šire za vlažnih godina - noću i tijekom kišnog vremena. Većinom su najveći problem puževi golači, dok mali puževi s kućicom - žuti živičinjak i gajski živičinjak (prugasta kućica) ne pričinjaju velike štete, kao ni veliki vinogradnjak, koji jede čak i jajašca puževa golača i na taj način pridonose regulaciji broju puževa u vrtu. Međutim, puževi su i "zdravstvena služba" u vrtu - pojedu uvele biljke i uginule životinje i imaju korisno mjesto u ekološkom sustavu.
Autor: river | 01.10.2010. u 11:00 | opcije
hahahah...pipaš jeleneee..samo pazi mračno je!!!
Autor: cistaticatraziauto | 01.10.2010. u 11:00 | opcije
vi dva prirodna....skroz ste promašili temu...jer pažljivije čitajući ovo gore ne zvuči kao službena objava proizvođača..hej prc..jel su to službeni podaci!!!!
Autor: cistaticatraziauto | 01.10.2010. u 11:03 | opcije
river hvala za vinogradarnjaka. idem odma kupit cilu vrečicu na farmu
Autor: Philippe_de_Mala | 01.10.2010. u 11:06 | opcije
Status Launched
Launch Date Q3'07
Processor Number E4500
# of Cores 2
# of Threads 2
Clock Speed 2.2 GHz
L2 Cache 2 MB
Bus/Core Ratio 11
FSB Speed 800 MHz
FSB Parity No
Instruction Set 64-bit
Embedded Options Available No
Supplemental SKU No
Lithography 65 nm
Max TDP 65 W
VID Voltage Range 0.8500V-1.5V
Package Specifications
TCASE 73.3°C
Package Size 37.5mm x 37.5mm
Processing Die Size 111 mm2
# of Processing Die Transistors 167 million
Sockets Supported LGA775
Halogen Free Options Available No
Advanced Technologies
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology No
Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology No
Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x) No
Intel® Trusted Execution Technology No
AES New Instructions No
Intel® 64 Yes
Idle States Yes
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology Yes
Intel® Demand Based Switching No
Thermal Monitoring Technologies Yes
Execute Disable Bit Yes
Autor: jebes_nick_i_profil | 01.10.2010. u 11:07 | opcije
Enabling Execute Disable Bit functionality requires a PC with a processor with Execute Disable Bit capability and a supporting operating system. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Execute Disable Bit functionality.
64-bit computing on Intel® architecture requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating system, device drivers and applications enabled for Intel® 64 architecture. Processors will not operate (including 32-bit operation) without an Intel 64 architecture-enabled BIOS. Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software configurations. Consult with your system vendor for more information.
Hyper-Threading Technology (HT Technology) requires a computer system with an Intel® processor supporting HT Technology and an HT Technology enabled chipset, BIOS and operating system. Performance will vary depending on the specific hardware and software you use. See www.intel.com/products/ht/hyperthreading_more.htm for more information including details on which processors support HT Technology.
Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM) and for some uses, certain platform software, enabled for it. Functionality, performance or other benefit will vary depending on hardware and software configurations. Intel Virtualization Technology-enabled VMM applications are currently in development.
Note: Prices subject to change without notice. Prices are for direct Intel customers in 1000-unit bulk quantities and, unless specified, represent the latest technology versions of the products. Taxes and shipping, etc. not included. Prices may vary for other package types and shipment quantities, and special promotional arrangements may apply.
Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. See http://www.intel.com/products/processor_number for details.
System and Maximum TDP is based on worst case scenarios. Actual TDP may be lower if not all I/Os for chipsets are used.
All information provided is subject to change at any time, without notice. Intel may make changes to manufacturing life cycle, specifications, and product descriptions at any time, without notice. The information herein is provided "as-is" and Intel does not make any representations or warranties whatsoever regarding accuracy of the information, nor on the product features, availability, functionality, or compatibility of the products listed. Please contact system vendor for more information on specific products or systems.
Halogen Free implies the following:
Bromine and/or chlorine in materials that may be used during processing, but do not remain within the final product are not included in this definition. The halogens fluorine (F), iodine (I), and astatine (At) are not restricted by this standard.
“BFR/CFR and PVC-Free” Definition:
An article must meet all of the following requirements to be defined as “BFR/CFR and PVC-Free”:
All PCB laminates must meet Br and Cl requirements for low halogen as defined in IPC-4101B
For components other than PCB laminates, all homogeneous materials must contain < 900 ppm (0.09%) of Bromine [if the Bromine (Br) source is from BFRs] and < 900 ppm (0.09%) of Chlorine [if the Chlorine (Cl) source is from CFRs or PVC. Higher concentrations of Br and Cl are allowed in homogenous materials of components other than PCB laminates as long as their sources are not BFRs, CFRs, PVC.
Although the elemental analysis for Br and Cl in homogeneous materials can be performed by any analytical method with sufficient sensitivity and selectivity, the presence or absence of BFRs, CFRs or PVC must be verified by any acceptable analytical techniques that allow for the unequivocal identification of the specific Br or Cl compounds, or by appropriate material declarations agreed to between customer and supplier.
Max Turbo Frequency refers to the maximum single-core frequency that can be achieved with Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, which requires a PC with a processor with Intel Turbo Boost Technology capability. Intel Turbo Boost Technology performance varies depending on hardware, software, and overall system configuration. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system delivers Intel Turbo Boost Technology. See www.intel.com/technology/turboboost/ for more information
Autor: jebes_nick_i_profil | 01.10.2010. u 11:08 | opcije
jnp.....definitivno bijeli miševi!!!
Autor: cistaticatraziauto | 01.10.2010. u 11:10 | opcije
Autor: river | 01.10.2010. u 11:14 | opcije
sve je to prekrasno i prekoimpresivno dane velim kako mi je jezik siromašan za izreč koliko je fascinantno to što jest a opet za dvi godine stara krama i šrot
Autor: Philippe_de_Mala | 01.10.2010. u 11:19 | opcije
lignja za dve godine!!!! fujj fuj
frisko se papa :D
Autor: river | 01.10.2010. u 11:19 | opcije
Jebeš to dok ne izađu pasivno hlađene.
Autor: forsaken | 01.10.2010. u 11:22 | opcije