
My LADY, allow THY servant a word.
My heart hath crumbled at the sight of THEE.
Passion was kindled, and my spirit stirred,
As THY matchless beauty enchanted me.
What mystical spell this, which THOU hast cast?
THINE eyes hypnotize me, and cloud my mind.
My warrior’s heart is smitten at last,
By ONE who couldest crush me if so inclined.
THOU hast stripped bare the armor that shields me,
My knees grow weak, and I can hardly stand.
If THOU doest feel the same, as I for THEE,
Speak it, and I’ll drop this sword from my hand.
I shall yield to THEE and make THEE my QUEEN,
Faithfully THINE, for the rest of my life.

09.12.2004. u 3:16   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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