Monday monday
Kao pocetak radnog tjedna vecini iz radnicke klase (meni je sredina radnog tjedna..ili kako kada) ..svi ga mrze, svima je muka cim cuju "ponedjeljak". Nista manji od Petka, nista manje vrijedniji od vikenda. Dan kao svaki drugi...trebamo biti zahvalni na njemu....kao i za sve ostale dane..koje imamo..zdravi, veseli, siti i u toplom!!!
Sve pocinje od pocetka...Ne vidim razlog zasto mrziti pocetak.. To je kao da netko mrzi proljece..ili zakljubljenost na pocetku veze..ili djetinjstvo... dajte malo...MISLITE!! :))
Monday Monday, so good to me,
Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee
That Monday evening you would still be here with me.
Monday Monday, can't trust that day,
Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be
Oh Monday Monday, how yould cou leave and not take me.
Every other day, every other day,
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes
You can find me cryin' all of the time
Monday Monday, so good to me,
Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be
Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee
That Monday evening you would still be here with me.
Every other day, every other day,
Every other day of the week is fine, yeah
But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes
You can find me cryin' all of the time
30.01.2012. u 10:37 | Editirano: 30.01.2012. u 10:40 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog