How to get your man by being a bitch
NICE girls often finish last in love.
If your softly-softly approach to relationships means you are still languishing on the shelf, action is called for.
But what is the best way to attract a man and ensure it is him who is begging you for commitment? Tear up the rulebook and act like a man, declares the author of Why Men Marry Bitches.
24.03.2013. u 18:38 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
fakat! otkad sam odgledala treću sezonu oprah show gdje se gospođa osobito posvetila utjecaju novokomponovanih majstora preživljavanja u ovom ohkrutnom svijetu, moje poimanje sebe i moje kaplje koja ga pomaže tkati, nemalo se izmijenilo. transformiranih se iz pitome srne u opaku bacačicu kladiva i evo, na pragu sam svjetlije budućnosti. gr. ček, ispočetka. groaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! hvala oprah.
Autor: juanita_bandita | 24.03.2013. u 19:47 | opcije
(blink!) stop being mean to yourself! stop being so edgy! stop being so perfect, you're scaring the children! get a life!
Autor: juanita_bandita | 24.03.2013. u 19:49 | opcije
Autor: juanita_bandita | 24.03.2013. u 19:49 | opcije
Kud zađoh? pipl mast trast pik as
Autor: budvar | 24.03.2013. u 20:57 | opcije