at kizo's ;)

našli smo se protiv logike, obavili par gutljaja, dopizdilo nam ... završili u Mochwari, to me fascinira kod malog što u trenutku pristane na ludost i stvari ispadnu savršeno, cerekali se skoro cijelu večer, uživali u ljepoti mraka, ne i ljudi nažalost... Strobelight kako bi to B-52s lijepo opjevali .. inspiracija dolazi tek nakon lošeg ritma elektronike ;)
There is a Light that Never Goes Out

Take me home tonight
where there's music and there's people
who are young and alive
driving in your car
I never never want to go home
because I haven't got one anymore

Take me home tonight
because I want to see people
and I want to see life
driving in your car
oh please don't drop me home
because it's not my home, it's their home
and I'm welcome no more
And if a double-decker bus
crashes in to us
to die by your side
is such a heavenly way to die
and if a ten ton truck
kills the both of us
to die by your side
well the pleasure, the privilege is mine
Take me home tonight
take me anywhere,
I don't careI don't care, I don't care
and in the darkened underpass
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
but then a strange fear gripped me
and I just couldn't ask
Take me home tonight
oh take me anywhere, I don't careI don't care, I don't care
driving in your car I never never want to go home
because I haven't got one
no, I haven't got one
And if a double-decker bus
crashes in to us
to die by your side
is such a heavenly way to die
and if a ten ton truck kills the both of us
to die by your side
well the pleasure, the privilege is mine
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out
i shvatih tada da nije bitno pronaći onog ko će ti podilaziti u nerazumjevanju, već nekog ko će te cijeniti u svoj tvojoj nesavršenosti

11.03.2005. u 3:19   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

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