ma i bolje se osvjezit neg razmisljat o kojekakvim glupostima :))))))))
Autor: Erwin001 | 12.12.2013. u 17:36 | opcije
Autor: una_sw | 12.12.2013. u 17:37 | opcije
pa da ,
u plićaku nema opasnosti
samo amebe :))
Autor: tajana46 | 12.12.2013. u 17:48 | opcije
Ima i onih ribica koje se u misha uvuku :)
Autor: Hornyzg | 12.12.2013. u 21:01 | opcije
If a bather is naked, candiru can enter into one of his/her body orifices (the vagina, rectum, or even the penis-and deep into the urethra) and due to the opercle's spines protruding from the fish, it is almost impossible to take out the fish, except through surgery. The fish probably takes the urea for water expelled from gills.
The fish tracks down its host by following a water scent to its source and urinating while bathing increases significantly its chance of entering in a human urethra. That's why Indians bathe facing the current, decreasing candiru's chances of entering in the rectum, while penis or vagina are covered up with the hands.
Locals employ against candiru two plants, the Jagua or Huito (Genipa americana) and the Buitach apple, whose mixed extract will kill and after that dislocate the fish. But often enough, the infection causes shock and death of the victim before the candir■ can be removed. Even if candir■'s attacks on humans are known, it is not proven that the fish can actually survive once inside the human body. Some countries, like the US, prohibit the importation of candiru.
Autor: juicy-mama | 12.12.2013. u 21:52 | opcije
nisam mislila doslovno horny i juicy,
ovo je sve simbolika
Autor: tajana46 | 12.12.2013. u 22:15 | opcije
npr papiga ponavlja već viđeno i čuveno,
plitkost i amebe isto prepoznajemo
Autor: tajana46 | 12.12.2013. u 22:20 | opcije