What is intimacy and why is it so important? Intimacy is a journey of discovery in a relationship

Intimacy is about being emotionally close to your partner, about being able to let your guard down, and let him or her know how you really feel. Intimacy is also about being able to accept and share in your partner's feelings, about being there when he/she wants to let their defences down. To be able to share our 'inner-world' with a partner we love, and to be able to share our partner's experiences, is one of the most rewarding aspects of a relationship.

Intimacy often doesn't need words, but being able to put feelings and experiences into words makes intimacy more likely to occur. Intimacy involves being able to share the whole range of feelings and experiences we have as human beings - pain and sadness, as well as happiness and love. Most of us, however, find it easier to share some types of feelings than others. For example, are you and your partner able to let each other know how you feel about each other?

Saying 'I love you' is important. Assuming your partner knows about your love because of the way you behave is usually not enough. How do you feel when you are sad, a little depressed, in need of some comforting and reassurance? Are you able to let yourself be dependent and to receive some nurturing? Is this balanced in your relationship, or is one partner the 'strong one' who never needs to show any vulnerability? If so, is this really how you want things to be in your relationship? How do you feel about yourself? - when you've taken a bit of a knock and are feeling small and 'put down', or when you've achieved something that makes you feel good about yourself.

How do you feel about sex? - what you like and don't like in your love-making, and about how your sexual relationship could be made more enjoyable for you.
Do you really know what your partner thinks and feels, or do you have to guess and 'mind-read?' Are you able to be open with your partner, or do you feel that your partner would not be able to accept some of your feelings?

Intimacy is a journey of discovery in a relationship. Many couples start out their relationship sensing they have achieved a new dimension of intimacy which they have not experienced before. They are in love, it is exciting, and they cannot imagine a greater degree of intimacy. Yet, as the years pass and couples go through some of the highs and lows in their relationship, they discover a series of deeper levels in their intimacy. Each discovery makes the relationship more rewarding and fulfilling.

Why do people get married?

According to the Relationships Indicators Survey conducted by Relationships Australia and CUA in 2008, the reasons why people get married are:

Factor Response %

Love 91
Companionship 88
To signify a life-long commitment 82
Security for children 79
To make a public commitment to each other 77
For legal status or for financial security 66
Because of religious beliefs 62
Response to Family pressure 50
Desire for a special occasion 45

Why people don't get married

Based on the 2008 Relationships Indicators survey, the main reasons people do not get married are:

Factor Response %

Bad previous experience 88
Avoidance of commitment 81
Strong commitment does not need marriage 79
Fear of making a mistake 76
Desire for a singles lifestyle 74
Fear of divorce and what goes with it 72
Marriage will interfere with work and career 55
Desire for multiple relationships 48
Desire for travel 47

Stressed out? Have sex. Stress reduction is one of the leading reasons Americans, particularly men, say they have sex, Richard Caroll says. The review, published online in Sexuality & Culture, shows other most frequently cited reasons for having sex include:

Boosting mood and relieving depression
Enhancement of power
Enhancement of self-concept
Experiencing the power of one’s partner
Feeling loved by your partner
Fostering jealousy
Improving reputation or social status
Making money
Making babies
Need for affection
Partner novelty
Peer pressure or pressure from partner
Reducing sex drive
Sexual curiosity
Showing love to your partner
Spiritual transcendence

07.05.2015. u 20:49   |   Editirano: 07.05.2015. u 21:17   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

bome rođo sad si sažeo, svaka čast.

Autor: krelec   |   07.05.2015. u 20:51   |   opcije

mogu li te zvati rođo?

Autor: krelec   |   07.05.2015. u 20:51   |   opcije

bate led ovo nisam ništa razumija
sex . a da nešto sam o tome čita

Autor: raky03   |   07.05.2015. u 20:56   |   opcije

Krelec, nismo mi rođaci, možeš me zvati ALAN, pitaj VEGU da ti prevede ako ne znaš. Još uvijek ne mogu na Blog s ALAN4, ali riješiti ću ja to...Ja bih pisao ovdje Blogove i da nitko ne komentira, toliko su mi važni većina Blogera, kao ROSA U PODNE!

Autor: ALAN4   |   07.05.2015. u 21:20   |   opcije

a šta reći ?

sve ti je to ALANN4-orko pizdin dim..

koja emocionalna bliskost s partnerom? kolko to traje?
prekratko da bi se čovjek uopće trudil.

to po mom skromnom mišljenju n e p o s t o j i !

nemojmo si umišljati :)

Autor: ANERAK   |   07.05.2015. u 21:41   |   opcije

što se ljutiš, pa samo sam pitao. Hvala na uputi, baš ću pitati vegu, ali
što ako ona veli da te mogu zvati rođo. A?

Autor: krelec   |   07.05.2015. u 21:43   |   opcije


Autor: ANERAK   |   07.05.2015. u 21:48   |   opcije

eto, ja bih si malo umišljala! ne da poznajem super engleski, al dovoljno da sam ovo ipak uglavnom razumjela. a glede umišljanja koje spominje aneračica, napomenula bih da sam imala dvije velike ljubavi...jedna je trajala 13 godina (u sretnom braku) a druga ljubavnička i bračna skoro 20 godina! istina, kada su prestale otišla sam, no dok su trajale bile su prekrasne. poana jest u tome da svaka veza (brak) treba rasti (grow up), razvijati se i da traži obostrani trud! i razgovor prvenstvneno...čak ako je i dobar sex ( u prvom braku sex mi je bio loš..meni barem a u drugom fenomenalan) o tome treba razgovarati! no, da bi ljudi mogli ragovarati najprije to mogu znati i moći! nažalost, ego obično sjebe čovjeka. um stalno nešto radi, al ako rade i emocije, tada taj balans stvara odnos! no, kao što reče ane (ona misli ak ona nemre da nitko nemre)...mi neki si umišljamo da smo voljeli i bili voljeni...dugo, puno, jako! ispada da sam više voljela u životu i bila voljena nego li što to nisam! zato valjda i danas vjerujem u čovjeka, u muškarca, u ženu...u mogućnost njihove ljubavi! žao mi je alane što još ne možeš pisati na blogu, ali morati ćeš se sam izboriti! iskreno, nitko od ovih odbaniranih nije zaslužio da bude odbaniran, al ti bome jesi (i ovo je vjerojatno hereza, al tako mislim...unatoč toga kaj to nije poželjno)

Autor: mai_sarai   |   07.05.2015. u 21:58   |   opcije

ANERAK, Žao mi je što imaš takvo mišljenje o emocionalnoj bliskosti s partnerom, pa bliskost je esencija ljubavi, da nas netko prihvati onakve kakvi jesmo sa svim svojim vrlinama i manama, sve ostalo je LAŽNI ŽIVOT ZBOG DRUGIH I LJUIGAVI KOMPROMIS S ĐAVOLOM!

"a šta reći ?

sve ti je to ALANN4-orko pizdin dim..
koja emocionalna bliskost s partnerom? kolko to traje?
prekratko da bi se čovjek uopće trudil.
to po mom skromnom mišljenju n e p o s t o j i !
nemojmo si umišljati :)"

Problem je što svjetovni čovjek traži što će dobiti u vezi, a produhovljeni čovjek gleda što će dijeliti u vezi, ili dati u vezu, a kod svjetovnih ljudi nakon početne zaljubljenosti 3-6 mjeseci, opet postaju oni isti kao i prije u borbi za moć i nepoštivanju partnera! :))

Autor: ALAN4   |   07.05.2015. u 22:41   |   opcije


""a šta reći ?
sve ti je to ALANN4-orko pizdin dim..
koja emocionalna bliskost s partnerom? kolko to traje?
prekratko da bi se čovjek uopće trudil.
to po mom skromnom mišljenju n e p o s t o j i !
nemojmo si umišljati :)"

Ako se ne ponašaš jednostavno i prirodno, nisi ono što jesi, nemaš autentične osječaje, ŽIVIŠ JADAN ŽIVOT ZA DRUGE, A NE ZA SEBE, ČIME ONA VEŽEŠ PARTNERA? INTELIGENCIJOM, SEXOM, DJECOM, IMOVINOM?

Autor: ALAN4   |   07.05.2015. u 23:00   |   opcije

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