Crtice - papazjanija :)

You know I'm such a fool for you.
I know I've felt like this before, but now I'm feeling it even more, Because it came from you.
I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Now you say you love me
Well, just to prove you do
Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you  
Say my name Sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely
And then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling... 
You know I can't let you slide through my hands Wild horses, couldn't drag me away 
Why worry, there should be laughter after pain There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now  

30.04.2005. u 16:58   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Mix by DJ Leilani... ;)) Jooj, kak je nekog leepo proleće zveknulooo... samo napred, L... :))

Autor: pike_TS   |   30.04.2005. u 17:32   |   opcije

Dobro, zar si se i DANAS napila? :))

Autor: forsaken   |   30.04.2005. u 17:46   |   opcije

Danas se napila, a nisam se ni jučer napila :)
Samo me je malo 'zmantalo' :)))
Pike: Gruviiii bejbe :)

Autor: Leilani-m   |   30.04.2005. u 17:49   |   opcije

Aha, jučer te zmantalo, a danas si mortus pijana :D

Autor: forsaken   |   30.04.2005. u 17:50   |   opcije

Danas sam na Red Bullu... Daje ti krilaaaaaaa :)

Autor: Leilani-m   |   30.04.2005. u 18:18   |   opcije

Da, mi nećemo lutati više
u kasnoj noći ti i ja,
i zalud srce ljubavlju diše
i mjesečina još uvek sja.
Jer duša kreće već iz grudi
uz mač što hrli sad u boj;
za predahom mi srce žudi,
i ljubav traži kraj već svoj.
I zalud noć sva voljenjem diše
i zalud njoj će uskoro kraj,
nas dvoje neće lutati više
uz mjesečine blistav sjaj.

Autor: lothario   |   30.04.2005. u 19:09   |   opcije

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