evo nesta zanimljivo:
Kolokvij Instituta Ruðer Bo¹koviæKolokvij Hrvatskog biofizièkog dru¹tva
Prof. Dra¾en Prelec, Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Massachusetts, SAD
Srijeda, 04. svibnja u 16.00 sati, Predavaonica III krila, Institut RuðerBo¹koviæ, Bijenièka c. 54, Zagreb
Subjective judgment, from expert and lay sources, is a part of all human knowledge. Surveys of behaviors, attitudes, and intentions are standard inpolitical science, psychology and economics; subjective expert judgmentcontrols environmental risk analysis, public policy, economic forecasts,scientific hypotheses, military doctrine, artistic and legal interpretations. Although essential for science and policy, subjective judgment is also problematic, because it is hard to know if experts' judgments are truthful - stated without deception or self-deception - and whether what the experts are saying is true. Hence, there is both a problem of truthfulness and of truth.
I present a scoring method for collecting subjective data (forecasts,estimates) from experts, designed for situations where objective truth isintrinsically or practically unknowable. In this situation, the opinions of other experts provide the only index of judgmental quality. The method assigns high scores, not to the most common answers, but to answers that are 'more common than collectively predicted,' with predictions drawn from the same group that generates the answers. This simple adjustment in the scoring criterion removes any potential bias in favor of the 'average opinion.' Truthful answers maximize expected score even for an expert - a 'Cassandra'- who is sure that her judgment represents a minority view.
04.05.2005. u 9:58 | Prijavi nepoćudni blog | Dodaj komentar
Sada smo jako stari skupa
ulica je nekako veča
od popodneva sve skupa
k vragu šalju
mi nismo živčani kao oni
tiho sjaji naša klima
topla je i ugodna
milo smo gradjenje kula i karata
ostavili po strani
kada doživimo stotu
jeftinija je stanarina
sada useli se
u moje oblikovano srce
imamo četrdesetipet godina
ti i ja zbrojeni
ti i ja sa usnama
vučemo sanjke i čekamo
bijelo da padne.
Autor: lothario | 04.05.2005. u 9:58 | opcije
;)) glavno da nam imas nesta za rec ...
Autor: razasutpe-pe-oh | 04.05.2005. u 10:01 | opcije
Jesi ti Slavonac ili Dalmatinac? Stalno pišeš NEŠTA a trebaš pisati NEŠTO jebote daj se nauči pisati a ne samo kopi pejstati!
Autor: lothario | 04.05.2005. u 10:02 | opcije
jel ima koji takav seminar za pocetnike?
npr. moral,moralnost i civilizirano ponasanje za pocetak
Autor: Anabell-Lee | 04.05.2005. u 10:07 | opcije
Kaj si ti razmela ovaj tekst? Ja nisam.
Autor: lothario | 04.05.2005. u 10:09 | opcije
Anabell - sa takvom tematikom se ne održavaju već jaaaaako dugo. Nema interesa :(
Autor: openminded_ | 04.05.2005. u 10:10 | opcije
:PP ma to je c/p i nastalo pri citanju poste u pineu.....
Autor: prilagodjen | 04.05.2005. u 10:59 | opcije
guba. ima di još kaj o tome, su probali već implementirat?
Autor: pike_TS | 04.05.2005. u 11:39 | opcije