I'm living in the past and I feel so good:))

27.11.2019. u 22:10   |   Editirano: 27.11.2019. u 22:21   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

"The Song Of The Wandering Aengus"

I wish out to the hazel wood
Because a fire was in my head
And I cut and peeled a hazel wand
And hooked a berry with a thread
And when white moths were on the wing
And moth-like stars were flickering out
I dropped a berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.

When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire aflame
But something rustled on the door
And someone called me by by name.
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossoms in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.

Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands
I will find out where she has gone
And kiss her lips and take her hands
And walk among long dappled grass
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun

Autor: eteerniis   |   27.11.2019. u 22:10   |   opcije

od koljevke pa do groba najluđa su đačka doba
..učiteljica ....sutra imate kontrolni ..pa se dobro spremite
..ja ... a šta ako budem umoran od sexa
... učiteljica ...ništa Raky pisat ćeš lijevom rukom ...

Autor: raky03   |   27.11.2019. u 22:13   |   opcije

Ti pod hitno moraš otići u tu divljinu i naći neku djevu bajnu ...tak si ja to nekak mislim ....i ...nakon ove predivne pjesme...spremna sam za horizontalu i još malo smijeha prije spavanja!
Laka ti noćka Etee:-))**

Autor: arapo   |   27.11.2019. u 22:17   |   opcije

noć raky, odmori malo ruku:P

Autor: eteerniis   |   27.11.2019. u 22:22   |   opcije

laka noć, arapo :)**

Autor: eteerniis   |   27.11.2019. u 22:23   |   opcije

a,e ... l.n

Autor: raky03   |   27.11.2019. u 22:24   |   opcije

Donovan, hah...mladost...volim...


draga mi i podsjeća me na bezbrižno bivstvovanje prije nekih 40 godina :D kad sam mislila da mogu obojiti svijet, šareno i ružičasto

Autor: BugaVuga   |   28.11.2019. u 0:09   |   opcije

a još mi je draža ova izvedba, Joan i njezin božanstveni vokal


Autor: BugaVuga   |   28.11.2019. u 0:11   |   opcije

"Freedom is a word I rarely use
Without thinking
Of the time..."

Autor: BugaVuga   |   28.11.2019. u 0:14   |   opcije

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