Wish You Were Here

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,blue skies from pain.Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?A smile from a veil?Do you think you can tell?And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees?Hot air for a cool breeze?Cold comfort for change?And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?How I wish, how I wish you were here.We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,Running over the same old ground. What have you found? The same old fears.Wish you were here.
ili da bar nazoveš...

12.07.2005. u 15:50   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

znamo feeling, kao sto je poznato.

Autor: prilagodjen   |   12.07.2005. u 15:49   |   opcije


Autor: LadyGaladriel   |   12.07.2005. u 15:49   |   opcije

..what have you found?

Autor: PersonalJesus   |   12.07.2005. u 15:52   |   opcije

yap! ah! i uf! (a i uh! ne smijem zaboraviti!)

Autor: need_a_little_time   |   12.07.2005. u 15:52   |   opcije

same old tears!

Autor: need_a_little_time   |   12.07.2005. u 15:53   |   opcije

Tears... Hm... Moram kasnije iskopati Goldiev "Timeless", nisam ga jaaaako dugo slušao...

Autor: forsaken   |   12.07.2005. u 15:58   |   opcije

naprosto...prekrasno...!!-:) i otkad to nisam čula...baš me lupa nostalgija...super-log-...:))

Autor: JANAKI   |   12.07.2005. u 20:52   |   opcije

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