there's a gap in between, there's a gap where we meet, ...where i end and you begin...
and i'm sorry for us....... the dinosaurs roam the earth...... the sky turns green where i end and you begin...
i am up in the clouds... i am up in the clouds, and i can't and i can't come down...
i can watch but not take part, where i end and where you start, where you, you left me alone...
you left me alone....
X' will mark the place; like parting the waves, like a house falling in the sea.... in the sea...
i will eat you all alive, i will eat you all alive, i will eat you all alive, i will eat you all alive
there'll be no more lies, there'll be no more lies, there'll be no more lies, there'll be no more lies
i will eat you all alive,, i will eat you all alive, i will eat you all alive, i will eat you all alive
there'll be no more lies, there'll be no more lies, there'll be no more liest, here'll be no more lies......

30.08.2005. u 12:12   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Dobro dobro ostavil bum te samu.

Autor: lothario   |   30.08.2005. u 12:44   |   opcije

ajd... ionako moram raditi. navodno ;)

Autor: _I_I_I_   |   30.08.2005. u 13:06   |   opcije

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