Quotes by wise people

"All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man does not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. -- Ted Perry, 1972

Only after the Last Tree has been cut down,
Only after the Last River has been poisoned,
Only after the Last Fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that
Money Cannot Be Eaten. -- Cree Indian Prophecy


Na žalost nisam imao više mjesta dodati ove citate u profil, a imao sam ih potrebu podjeliti s vama. Sve je počelo pročitavši onaj prvi citat u profilu jedne Iskričarke. Nakon toga sam otputovao netom u potrazi za autorom i naišao na zanimljivu priču o poglavici Seattle-u i scenaristu Perry-ju. Negdje na putu sreo sam i potomke plemena Cree. Svi oni ustvari govore što mi već odavno znamo. Ipak preferiramo pričati o novcu rađe nego posljedicama naših postupaka.

< chaos >

26.11.2005. u 14:47   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

viš ti tog Perryja, ko bi rekal da je već '72. bilo onih koji su se tak opsežno bavili promišljanjima vezanim uz web prostor... :D

Autor: pike_TS   |   26.11.2005. u 15:02   |   opcije

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