Why? nobody loves me

I think the world is very small and full of people. Why am i searching to speack with somebody hier at the moment. I could to be in my bed with my husbund but i'm alone...or i could to be with a friend from me..but i'm alone..we are all alone in this world...the best person in my life..is myself!!!!

10.03.2006. u 23:11   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

i tink dat ju ar a ledžend...a frend from ju

Autor: _RhettButler_   |   10.03.2006. u 23:13   |   opcije

SAmtajmz aj vonder... iz d vrld dec kruked or em aj?

Autor: Caulfield   |   10.03.2006. u 23:16   |   opcije

vi ar ol in bananas :)

Autor: zenamackica   |   10.03.2006. u 23:38   |   opcije

.. prilično napredno razmišljanje. A zašto onda kažeš da te nitko ne voli. Onaj tko sebe voli, vole ga i drugi

Autor: NemaNaCemu   |   12.03.2006. u 18:54   |   opcije

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