Fade to black

I guess we're all in the mood for a little bit of English tonight. Now, when my ears are filled with the sounds of Enigma I remember all the profiles I've seen on Iskrica and Match. I remember many hours lost in search of a soulmate. I guess I am kind of a looser incapable of finding real person in real world so I'm destined to wonder throughout cyberspace where I feel safe and not afraid.
Here I can look at perfect profiles of imperfect people and gaze in their imaginary lives and yet again I feel like an outcast. Am I really the most stupid one because I'm as real here as I am outside of cyberspace? but then again I'm not disappointed with who I really am I don't feel the need to make up fairytales, to lie when I'm asked something over the net.
Are your lives really so sad and empty? Do you really lack the willpower and creativity to make your dreams come true and not just dream about what your life could be?
How unique a smile can be... how inspiring a compassion can be, how unforgettable a sunset can be when we are really ourselves. No make-up, no masks, no lies, no games. Just us.
*** good night Iskrica people *** hope you'll find what you've all been looking for *** here and in reality ***

06.11.2003. u 19:57   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

krasno, sa pokojom spelling greškicom:) ali imaš -5:)))))

Autor: Scarecrow   |   06.11.2003. u 20:28   |   opcije

Here you go ScareCrow. Just for you I fixed some of my errors to strive for perfection. ;)

Autor: chaos   |   06.11.2003. u 20:44   |   opcije

And to BridgetJ... well in my case you really have no idea what you're talking about. And when you give them the truth that doesn't mean they'll give it back. Understand?

Autor: chaos   |   06.11.2003. u 20:46   |   opcije

hmmm... nice :))
Enigma :)) definitely...
think of sites like Iskrica and the-now-defunct Match as a stepping stone - to reality - you say that you have spent hours in search of a soulmate online - do not despair, my friend, for one day you WILL find what you are searching for - look at it this way - at least you ARE searching - unlike hundreds and thousands who are just sitting in front of sites like these WAITING for something to happen - do not feel like an outcast - it's other people who are outcasts just putting on facades to fit in - be who you are, continue with what you've been doing (god, I sound like an Anthony Robbins tape hahahahaha) - in other words - just keep on livin' and doing what you do best :))) all will fall into place

Autor: sansserif   |   06.11.2003. u 22:21   |   opcije

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