
Who am I? Am I a programmer, an Information Systems designer? Am I my job? Am I a passionate lover or an angry disappointed single guy? Do I like Enigma or techno? Am I trying to hard to find a soulmate or am I not active enough? Do I understand the signs that are shown? Does my soulmate exist or is it all just a compromise like finding a flat? You're looking for specific things but there's always something missing. Sometimes it's love, sometimes common fields of interest and sometimes there don't have a telephone line installed it the flat. Can all this be fixed? I doubt it for the first two, but the third can definitely be fixed. It's not that much about learning because some things cannot be learned or taught. You either know them, feel them or you don't.
We all have many faces we show to the people. They are not multiple personalities, but reactions scenarios; they share our memories, our dreams, our hopes. a face your lovers sees when kissing is not the same one your parent sees when arguing. Your alone face is different then your with friends face. Sometimes you even have to hide some of the faces just to be liked. Our memories, dreams and hopes are hidden for them not to see. How many faces you have presented on Iskrica? How may profiles? How many stories?

09.11.2003. u 12:34   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

a koliko ti imas profila i prica? :) meni se najvise svidjas ovaj ti koji si tu :)

Autor: sex-loverica   |   30.11.2003. u 13:49   |   opcije

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