hajde da kafenisemo!!!
Da isperemo los okus od onog sick bloga, pozivam vas lijepo sve k sebi na kavicu....Ajmo brzo, dok sam jos dobre volje :-))) K'o pije kakvu?
23.12.2003. u 12:54 | Komentari: 91 | Dodaj komentar
Hmm....gluposti prouzrokovane kisom...
Imate li kada onaj osjecaj da biste trebali biti sretni, ali da vam jednostavno nedostaje that certain something za tu srecu...Bas mi je sinoc to palo na pamet, kada sam legla u krevet i nisam mogla zaspati, sto mi se redovito dogadja nedjeljama...U principu, trenutno mi ne fali nista...Imam sve sto mi treba, ok, moram traziti novi stan, uskoro i posao, mogla bih smrsaviti koju kilu :o), a ne bi bilo zgorega niti da mi je placa malo vreca... :o) ali to i nije tako bitno...nisam se nikada previse opterecivala tim i takvim stvarima...imam dobre frendove, ljude s kojima sam na istoj valnoj duzini, nekoga tko mi mami osmijeh na lice i onda kada nema tu namjeru...u principu trenutno imam sve ono na sto sam brijala da mi je potrebno da bih bila sretna, a opet...nekako mi nedostaje taj jedan, mali nedefinirani komadic neceg nepoznatog da bih mogla biti sretna...Jucer me bas netko upitao jesam li sretna...rekla sam – jesam, vise-manje...Sta je to? Kakva je to odgovor? Mislim, sretan jesi ili nisi, zar ne? Zar to ne bi trebalo tako funkcionirati? Ali, opet...znam da sreca nije osjecaj koji traje...sreca su trenuci, neki mali bljeskovi u inace rutiniranim danima, kao kad vidimo zvijezdu padalicu, pa se raznjezimo...Ali postoji i ono neko zadovoljstvo...samim sobom, situacijom, ljudima oko sebe, odnosom, odnosima...ma znate...ono, kad se probudite ujutro sa smileom na licu, od uha do uha...i kad legnete navecer u krevet, onako umorni od posla i raznoraznih obveza, a ipak...na licu vam zatitra onaj zadovoljni smijesak i ljepse zaspite...i sanjate u bojama...Ne znam, ja jos uvije sanjam crno-bijelo...a zeljela bih boje...
Eh, ta kisa...uvek me rasturi siva... :-)))))
22.12.2003. u 12:14 | Komentari: 37 | Dodaj komentar
...Baš čudnog sveta ima... :-))
Bila je noć...u ulici Dositejevoj...
U Novom Sadu na Dunavu...
A ja sam dolazio sa nekog mesta
na kom su svi bili, recimo...rumeni...
kao kuvano vino koje su pili...
I gde su svi mirisali na karanfilčić
I čudno se zgledali
kad bi netko zapevao jednu od onih pesama
koje se, znate,
baš i nisu pevale tad...
I dugo sam stajao pod njenim prozorom...
tražeci..kao nešto po džepovima...
A tišina je bila....
Jedino, odjek koraka
Daleko dole, niz Kisački drum,
iza onog nadvožnjaka,
možda i dalje...
I lepet nekih zagubljenih krila
oko almoške crkve...
A opet...
ni na trenutak nisam čuo kako diše...u snu...
Moje pile...
Kako diše...
17.12.2003. u 13:46 | Komentari: 52 | Dodaj komentar
...riječi bi sve pokvarile... :-))
Napisi mi pesmu, mazila se. Nisam znao da li cu umeti. Reci jesu moje igracke, cakle mi se u glavi kao oni sareni staklici kaleidoskopa i svaki put mi je druga slika u ocima kad zazmurim, ali postoje u nama neke neprevodive dubine.Postoje u nama neke stvari neprevodive u reci, ne znam...Napisi mi pesmu, molila je. I nisam znao da li cu umeti.Voleo sam je tako lako a tako sam tesko to znao da pokazem, a onda, odjednom, raspored mladeza na njenim ledjima, kao tajna mapa, pokazao mi je u koje zvezde treba da se zagledam i tako, eto ti pesma, ludo jedna...
Eto, morala sam to sad tu staviti...mijaulica, ti si kriva za se sa svojim blogom... :o))
16.12.2003. u 13:03 | Komentari: 24 | Dodaj komentar
....PMS blues....
Eve you wicked woman,
you done put your curse on me
Why didn't you just leave that apple hangin' in the tree
You make us hate our husbands, our lovers and our boss
Why I can't even count the good friends I've already lost
Cause of PMS blues, PMS blues
I don't even like myself, but it's something I can't help
I got those God almighty, slap somebody PMS blues
Most times I'm easy going, some say I'm good as gold
But when I'm PMS I tell ya, I turn mean and cold
Those not afflicted with it are affected just the same
You poor old men didn't have to grin and say "I feel your pain"
PMS blues, PMS blues Y
ou know you must forgive us for we care not what we do
I got those can't stop crying, dishes flying PMS blues
But you know we can't help it
We don't even know the cause
But as soon as this part's over, then comes the menopause
Oh, Lord, Oh, Lord We're going to always be a heap of fun
Like the devil taking over my body, suffering, suffering, suffering
Everybody's suffering, huh?
But a woman had to write this song, a man would be scared to
Lest he be called a chauvenist or just fall victim to
Those PMS blues
You know we'd kill for less than that
PMS blues
You don't want to cross my path
Cause a pitbull ain't no match
For these teeth a clenchin', fluid retention
Head a swellin', can't stop yellin'
Got no patience, I'm so hateful PMS blues,
premenstrual syndrome
Got those moods a swingin', tears a slingin'
Nothin' fits me when it hits me
Rantin', ravin', misbehavin'
PMS blues It's the only time in my life I ever think about wishing I'd been a man
But you know that only means one thing
If I'd have been a man, I'd be somewhere right this very minute
With some old cranky, naggin', raggin' hateful woman
With those old PMS blues
PMS blues
I don't want to talk about it, we both could do without it
Got those treat your kids bad, don't you talk back
Gone ballistic, unrealistic
Awful lowdown, bitch to be around
PMS blues
15.12.2003. u 9:34 | Komentari: 1 | Dodaj komentar
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche
12.12.2003. u 12:34 | Komentari: 10 | Dodaj komentar
...Treba mi tema... :-))
Eto bas mi doslo da napisem neki blog jutros, samo imam mali problemcic...Nekako nemam ideje o cemu bih pisala...Pjesmice neke - to mi se ne da, pozivi na morning coffee - to je vec netko napravio, a neke pak filozofske teme - za njih mi je malo prerano...Sad bi sjelo nesto easy... :-))) Neka laganini tema, nesto za pustiti mozak na pasu i masti na volju... :-)) So, ako imate kakve ideje, pisite...whatever, however, ma bilo koji ever... :-))
11.12.2003. u 9:55 | Komentari: 30 | Dodaj komentar
...Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch... :-)))
Some girls like to buy new shoes
And others like drivin' trucks and wearing tattoos
There's only one thing that they all like a bunch
Oh, girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have lunch
I know how to keep a woman satisfied
When I whip out my Diner's Card their eyes get so wide
They're always in the mood for something to munch
Oh, girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have
That's all they really want
Some lunch
Don't ask 'em to dinner or breakfast or brunch
'Cause girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have lunch
Girls, they want to have lunch
Girls wanna have
She eats like she got a hole in her neck
And I'm the one that always gets stuck with the check
Can't figure out how come they don't weigh a ton
Oh, girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have
That's all they really want, some lunch
Don't know for certain but I've got a hunch
Those girls, they want to have lunch
Oh, girls just want to have lunch
Girls, they want
Want to have lunch
Girls wanna have
They just want to
They just want to
:o)) :o)) :o)) :o)) :o))
09.12.2003. u 11:58 | Komentari: 252 | Dodaj komentar
From a phone booth in Vegas Jesse calls at five a.m.
To tell me how she's tired of all of them
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking about a trailer by the sea
We could go to Mexico;
You, the cat and Me
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells
Now doesn't that sound sweet"
Oh Jesse you always do this every time I get back on my feet
Jesse paint your pictures About how it's gonna be
By now I should know better Your dreams are never free
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea
Oh Jesse you can always sell any dream to me Oh Jesse you can always sell any dream to me
She asked me how the cat's been
I say "Moses, he's just fine"
But he used to think about you, all the time
We finally took your pictures down off the wall
Jesse, how do you always seem to know just when to call
She says "Get your stuff together, bring Moses and drive real fast"
And I listened to her promise
I swear to God this time it's gonna last
Jesse paint your pictures About how it's gonna be
By now I should know better Your dreams are never free
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea
Oh Jesse you can always sell any dream to me
Oh Jesse you can always sell any dream to me
I'll love you in the sunshine
Lay you down in the warm, white sand
And who knows maybe this time
Things will turn out just the way you planned
Jesse paint your pictures About how it's gonna be
By now I should know better Your dreams are never free
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea
Oh Jesse you can always sell any dream to me
Oh Jesse you can always sell any dream to me.
(...for the eternal dreamer in all of us.)
09.12.2003. u 9:19 | Komentari: 5 | Dodaj komentar
...Good Morning Sunshine...
When the sun is up, on a clear blue sky, you will act like a lover. When the sky is grey, and the rain comes down, you will run for cover. Feel the heat, come out of cold, and your arm is touching me. Good morning sunshine, you are my only light, lying with me by my side, you keep me warm all day. Just stay with me. Good morning sunshine, be with me all day, Just don't let the rain pass you by, when it's cloudy or windy and the snowflakes arrive, you somehow just make me, make me feel I'm alive. When you leave my field then you light the stars Fading away in horizon there is a million streets leading off the night, waiting for sun to be risen Feel the heat, come out of cold, and your arm is touching me. Good morning sunshine, you're my only light, lying with me by my side, you keep me warm all day. Just stay with me. Good morning sunshine, be with me all day, Just don't let the rain pass you by, when it's cloudy or windy and the snowflakes arrive, you somehow just make me, make me feel I'm alive. Hold it right there, let me take a minute of your time, to explain how I feel through these rhymes. I do the best I can, and believe me if I could I'll build you a paradise with these two hands. the top of your skin, makes my body go numb, I'm thinking to myself, if my dream come true, or is it 'cause you never give me a chance to tell you how I feel, the moments we had were too precious to kill. When it is cloudy or windy, please turn your face at me Good morning sunshine, you are my only light, lying with me by my side, you keep me warm all day. Just stay with me. Good morning sunshine, be with me all day, Just don't let the rain pass you by, when it's cloudy or windy and the snowflakes arrive, you somhow just make me, make me feel I'm alive.
08.12.2003. u 9:16 | Komentari: 103 | Dodaj komentar
...Brdo... :-))
Varljivo brdo je Zivot, nema sta..I veruci se Uz i silazeci Niz patimo za predelima s one strane vrha, a vrh je senka, tren, senka trena, Vrh je najveca prevara u citavoj prici...Čim ga dotaknemo on potone tromo, kao lubenica na vodi, i vec sledeceg trena izroni nam na ledjima, obeshrabrujuce uzvodno, plutajuci kao velika crna bova koja iz nekih zvezdanih razloga obelezava to razvodje Vremena Koje Nam Je Dato, vremena koje nam je udeljeno, ubogima, kao milostinja pred Crkvom Beskonacnog...Danas jos uvelike iscekujes, a vec sutra ti ostaje samo da se secas, i tek na kraju ukapiras da su Prave Stvari uvek s one strane brda, ali ovu misao ipak ne smem pripisati sebi...Zvuci suvise poznato?Neki vostani mandarin iz treceg milenijuma pre nove ere je sigurno davno patentirao slicnu izreku...Probudio sam se, dakle, sam na svetu, sa onim glupim osecajem da sam prespavao evakuaciju planete...
05.12.2003. u 12:19 | Komentari: 21 | Dodaj komentar
...Turn The Page...
Za moje babe i jedno ljetovanje...i za nove stranice... :-))
On a long and lonesome highway east of Omaha
You can listen to the engines moanin' out it's one old song
You can think about the woman or the girl you knew the night before
But your thoughts will soon be wanderin' the way they always do
When you're ridin' 16 hours and there's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like ridin' you just wish the trip was through
Here I am on the road again there I am up on the stage
There I go, playin' star again, there I go, turn the page
So you walk into this restaurant, uh strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you, as you're shakin' off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you, but you just want to explode
Yeah, most times you can't hear 'em talk, other times you can
All the same old cliché's, is it woman, is it man
And you always seem outnumbered, you don't dare make a stand
Make your stand
Ah But here I am, on the road again, there I am, up on the stage
Here I go, ah playin' star again, there I go, turn the page
Woah Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy, you try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play
Later in the evenin', as you lie awake in bed
With the echoes of the amplifiers, ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette, rememberin' what she said
What she said
Yeah, and here I am, on the road again, there I am, up on that stage
Here I go, playin' star again, there I go, turn the page
And there I go, turn that page
There I go, yeah, Here I go, yeah, yeah There I go, yeah, Here I go, yeah Here I go-oh-o,
There I go
And I'm gone
04.12.2003. u 16:07 | Komentari: 4 | Dodaj komentar
"...ma to je samo jedan od onih zivota koji ti bas i ne ide..."
"...Ne...Nismo mi bili ljubavnici...Nikad...Samo smo se ponekad gledali, kad nas nisu gledali..I to je sve...Oboje smo nosili na lancicu po polovinu jedne davno polomljene tajne, ali nismo pokusavali da je sastavimo, ko zna zasto, i ta tajna lebdela je nad desetogodisnjim okeanom proslog vremena kao ukleta ladja...Negde ovde daleko...Nedge tamo blizu...Ni na nebu, ni na zemlji...Do te tajne se, interesantno, moglo stici jedino bas strmim stepenicama visoke verande, uz koje se Luna uspentrala hitro, kao kosuta, ostavljajuci na njima izvesni zagonetni osmeh, kao ruzu, kao malu staklenu cipelicu po kojoj cu je pronaci...ali, gde zuri? Opet ne pazi, ludica..."
04.12.2003. u 10:09 | Komentari: 4 | Dodaj komentar
...beznaslovan jedan weblog...
...Htjedoh onomad samo par riječi,
al' teško mi bješe...
i Previše...ne mogah...
a, možda trebalo je...
Sada, nažalost, znam...
i od Previše, Više ima,
i od Tuge sam nijema
i Slijepa danima,
u Pravu si...
Ne vrijedi Ništa..
...Čuvaj se...
19.11.2003. u 11:44 | Komentari: 2 | Dodaj komentar