
Bilo je to u doba kada se plesalo ulicama.Ulice su bile dražesne i uske, poput žena.U njih se uskakalo, iz jedne u drugu, bez tereta i razmišljanja, s povjerenjem i sigurnošću, a svaka je dočekivala otvoreno i s puninom ružinih pupoljaka, puninom koju najbolje osjetiš tek kada pupoljak zgnječiš upirući dlan u dlan, stišćući jednim drugog u šaku.Ulice su bile drage i poznate, poput djevojaka u rodnom gradu.Okićene cvijećem i vrpcama u veselim bojama.Mogao si ih milovati, sam, od svoje želje, a one bi stajale pred tobom i željele još.U to je doba iz prstiju prvi put isplesala ta pjesma.Nitko ne zna o čemu pjeva, ali svi mi u njoj pronađemo baš sebe.Žive, pune i glasne.Kako li sam se onda iznenadila kada si rekao da se u njoj spominje moje ime.Alli, ne čuje se od topota konja.Slušali smo je zajedno, a ja sam na tom dijelu čula tvoje ime.I to ti prešutjela.Njega je prekrio smijeh djece.

Uredi zapis

28.02.2005. u 13:15   |   Komentari: 2   |   Dodaj komentar

Ljetne igre

Izazivaš me slatkim milovanjima, misliš li da znaš kako ćeš pobijediti?Rukom petljaš po kosi, sasvim nespretno i znam da to radiš namjerno.Želiš me nasmijati, ali meni nije smiješno.Čupaš mi kosu, a ja želim da me ljubiš.Nudim ti usne, zovem te pogledom.Vrtovi su topli.Ne grije ih samo ljeto.A ja volim stijene i kada gore.Možda još i više tada.Kada bole i pucaju.Stenjem pokretima i gužvam plahte, tebe kao da i nema.Ne štedi me.Ti ne poznaješ moje granice.Ja se ne zaustavljam, uvijek želim sve.

Uredi zapis

13.01.2005. u 11:17   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar


Za te je novce mogao dobiti sve što je želio.Mogao je kupiti njezine misli i osjećaje na čitavih mjesec dana.No, on je tražio samo tijelo.Na jednu noć.Kretnje su joj bile obilježene tjeskobom početnice.Nije još radila za toliko novaca.Cijelu je svotu položio na stol, dipomatski time pružio ruku tješiteljicu.Možda je bila nesretna žena, ali tijelo joj je bilo prekrasno.Bijela put i crvene usne.Uhvatio ih je između dva prsta, jako stišćući, i natjerao je da klekne.Strah i suze u pogledu davale su joj čednost koja nije bila u skladu s tako velikim grudima.Koljena su joj se raširila i debelo meso na dnu trupa spljoštilo se naspram poda.Koraknuo joj je ususret, odmicala je glavu od njegovog međunožja dok nije shvatila da on želi da legne.Stopala su joj u tom položaju štrčala u visini bedara, a dojke se razlile svaka na svoju tranu.Pograbio joj je ruke, vezao šake za koljena crvenim vrpcama.Uvijek je u džepu imao vrpce u istoj boji, različitih dužina.Jauknula je kada joj je istegao zglobove, možda je to samo povećalo njegovu erekciju, samilosti na licu nije bilo.Nakon što je obavio vezivanje i par puta provjerio sigurnost čvorova naglo ih potežući na sve strane, odmaknuo se u stranu, zapalio cigaretu i sjeo na krevet.Udovi su joj se počeli hladiti.Nije se usudila sklopiti oči i trpjeti u tišini, gledala je u njegove noge strepeći od sljedećeg koraka.Zataknuo je cigaretu među prednje zube i skinuo jaknu.Kleknuo je pred nju tako bespomoćno raširenu i počeo štipkati nježno meso unutar butina.Oči je prikovala za žareću cigaretu i vidno odahnula kada ju je, ispuhujući glasno, odbacio negdje u kut.Tada je izvadio nož.Krenuo je njime od brade, prvo povlačeći nježno i polako i što se spuštao niže to je jače pritiskao i utiskivao u kožu.Sve jednako polako.Falusnom toplinom, nimalo hladno i okrutno.Sav se unio u to.Trzala je glavom, kao da odlučuje hoće li vikati ili ne.Drugom je rukom, ni približno toliko koncentrirano koliko onom s nožem, otkopčao hlače i zario se u nju dok je krv kapala između njih.Bio je brzo gotov.Nož je obrisao postrance preko njezinih bradavica, sklopio ga i stavio u plastičnu vrećicu.Izašla sam iz ormara tek kada sam čula da silazi niz vanjske stepenice.Odvezala sam je i prislonila čisti ručnik na nju.Protrljala malo zglobove i opustila mišiće.Jesam ti rekla da ne boli?

Uredi zapis

09.12.2004. u 14:29   |   Komentari: 11   |   Dodaj komentar

Poziv u pomoć

Kad jednom prestanu ceste.

Uredi zapis

24.11.2004. u 18:31   |   Komentari: 13   |   Dodaj komentar

Najduži dan u godini

If, if you choose that we will always lose. Well then I'll sail this ship alone .And if, if you decide to give him another try. Well then I'll sail this ship alone.
Well they said if I wrote the perfect love song .You would take me back .Well I wrote it but I lost it. And now will you take me back anyway.
Now if, if you insist that this is for the best. Well then I'll sail this ship alone .And if, if you swear that you no longer care. Well then I'll sail this ship alone.
I'll sail this ship alone .Between the pain and the pleasure. I'll sail this ship alone. Amongst the sharks and the treasure .If you would rather go your way then go your way .I'll sail this ship alone.
If, if you're afraid that I won't make the grade. Well then I'll sail this ship alone .And if, if you agree to him instead of me. Well then I'll sail this ship alone.
Well they said if I wrote the perfect letter .That I would have a chance .Well I wrote it, and you burnt it .And now do I have a chance anyway.
If, if you swear that you no longer care .Well then I'll sail this ship alone.
I'll sail this ship alone. Between the pain and the pleasure .I'll sail this ship alone. Amongst the sharks and the treasure. If you would rather go your way then go your way .I'll sail this ship alone.
Well they said if I burnt myself alive. That you'd come running back.

Fališ mi.

Uredi zapis

13.11.2004. u 23:01   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar


Tekuća strast.Crveni strah u kapima.Suze neizvaganih osjećaja.I tvoja ubojita odanost.

Uredi zapis

12.11.2004. u 23:17   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Ako me zavoliš

Gurni prema meni vrhunac svijeta da s njega zavrištim.Baci mi more da ga prelijem.Izgužvaj mi polje makova da se probudim.

Uredi zapis

06.11.2004. u 19:56   |   Komentari: 32   |   Dodaj komentar

Čestitke i pozdravi

Think of you with pipe and slippers.Think of her in Bed.Laying there just watching telly.Then think of me instead
I'll never grow so old and flabby.That could never be.Don't marry her, fuck me
And your love light shines like cardboard.But your work shoes are glistening.She's a Ph.D in 'I told you so'.You've a knighthood in 'I'm not listening'
She'll grab your sweaty bollocks.Then slowly raise her knee.Don't marry her, fuck me
And the Sunday sun shines down on San Francisco bay.And you realise you can't make it anyway.You have to wash the car.Take the kiddies to the park.Don't marry her, fuck me
Those lovely Sunday mornings.With breakfast brought in bed.Those blackbirds look like knitting needles.Trying to peck your head
Those birds will peck your soul out.And throw away the key.Don't marry her, fuck me
And the kitchen's always tidy.And the bathroom's always clean.She's a diploma in 'just hiding things'.You've a first in 'low esteem'
When your socks smell of angels.But your life smells of brie.Don't marry her, fuck me
And the Sunday sun shines down on San Francisco bay.And you realise you can't make it anyway.You have to wash the car.Take the kiddies to the park.Don't marry her, fuck me

Uredi zapis

31.10.2004. u 20:30   |   Komentari: 11   |   Dodaj komentar

Return to innocence

Sanjaj me.Sanjaj me noćas.Za me nema spokoja ni snova.Sanjaj me noćas.Jer, možda već sutra.U snove ti uđe ljubav nova.

Uredi zapis

19.10.2004. u 9:04   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar


Prije nego li sam te upoznala, nisam znala što je ljubav. Par puta sam, međutim, u nju ugazila.

Uredi zapis

15.10.2004. u 21:00   |   Komentari: 9   |   Dodaj komentar


Kada jednom pođeš na daleki put, povedi mene sa sobom.Neću ti smetati nikad.

Uredi zapis

10.10.2004. u 16:01   |   Komentari: 4   |   Dodaj komentar

Krupni plan

Danas sam u filmu glumila sebe.Hodala sam ulicama pazeći da ne stanem na list, na pukotinu u pločnicima, na fuge između kamenih ploča.Nisu previše gledali u mene, kao da je nekog briga kako ja hodam.Željezničkim kolodvorom, među ljudima.Stalno su mi bili na putu i morala sam im se izmicati.Ne volim kada me u prolazu dodiruju.Volim dodire koji znače.Koncentrirana na korake i provlačenje kroz nepoznata tijela, glazba me uhvatila nespremnu.Muške vokalne izvedbe me čine nesretnom.Pogotovu one dalmatinskog izričaja.Izgubila sam ritam, rubovima cipela zahvaćala zabranjena područja i hvatala me panika.I onda sam navrat-nanos pobjegla, rukama zagrlila tijelo kao da sam gola.A puške napete i lovina na nišanu.

Uredi zapis

05.10.2004. u 19:26   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Jedna lijepa, jedna ružna

I get a terr'ble awful ache'specially when it rains.At first I was a 'fraidy catbut now I know it's growing pains.Gosh! oh gee! oh can't you see,I'll soon be grown up tall,So I've got to think what I will be when I'm no longer small.
When I grow upin a year or two or three,I'll be happy as can belike a birdie in a tree.
When I grow upthere's a lot I want to do.I will have real dollies too,Like the woman in the shoe!
I want to be a teacher so the children can say,Teacher dear the gangs all herewith apples today.
When I grow upI will have a big surprise,For I'll bake the kind of pies,that'll make you roll your eyes.And if you seethat you need some company,You can call me up and I'll come downwhen I grow up!.
When I am sweet sixteen I'm going to a ball,Of all the ladies there I'd like to be the best of all;I'll wear a dress of silver and lace, they'll call me Princess Curly,I'll be like Cinderella 'cept I won't run home so early.I want to meet a handsome prince with a uniform of gold,But I won't lose my slipper 'cause my tootsies might get cold.I'll talk with queens and dance with kings like a little princess would;If I could only do these things, I promise I'll be good.
When I am twenty-one I wish that I could lookLike the picture that I saw in a pretty story book;A laur little girls were standing there much tinier than meAnd they all carried baskets, they looked happy as can be,Every one was smiling and having lots of fun;I wish that I could be like that when I am twenty-one.
When I get very very old I'll stay at home all day,But I haven't quite made up my mind,-- it's much too far away.I think that I would like to be like the lady on the wall,She looks so nice and comfy in her rocking chair 'n' all.With that little cap upon her head she looks real pretty, too,I like her long and funny dress, I like her hair, don't you?It must be oh,-- so quiet you can hear the tick of the clock,But it must be fun to have nothing to do but rock, and rock, and rock.

Uredi zapis

05.10.2004. u 8:51   |   Komentari: 2   |   Dodaj komentar

Na nuli

Jednom dobila, jednom izgubila.
Now, dear children, pay attention. I am the voice from the pillow. I have brought you something I ripped it from my chest.

Uredi zapis

03.10.2004. u 22:11   |   Komentari: 6   |   Dodaj komentar

As much as you dare

Your love life and your creativity are both emphasized this week, D. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Libra on Monday, which is going to encourage you to take a few more risks. If you have been thinking of starting your own business, this might be the time that you go about it, and take the first steps to doing so. The more you decide to act on faith and go for the goals that you want to achieve, the more you will draw the appropriate coincidences and opportunities towards you. It is time to visualize your dreams and to bring them to fulfillment. Since this is all happening in association with the sign of Libra, you do need to approach things in a balanced way, dear Gemini. On Tuesday, Mercury also moves into Libra, and helps you to formulate your ideas to have any necessary conversations with people who can help you put your plans into perspective. There is a Full Moon in Aries at this time. You will become very aware of your friends and associates and what they think of you. The trick is not to overreact as this could cause unnecessary arguments. Try and take all comments and criticisms in a balanced way.

Uredi zapis

01.10.2004. u 7:36   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar