
Napustih dolinu s osmijehom al vraća mi se onaj opori okus što ostavlja prošlost...nije mi potreban danas al me eto ničim izazvan progoni...

Uredi zapis

06.09.2008. u 12:18   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Kamo dalje rođače...

Igrala sam se sa vlastitom nutrinom i kad mi je konačno ona pokazala svoje pravo lice ostala sam skamenjena. Ne od straha i nevjerice već od ljepote. Nisam znala da sve to nosim u sebi,kamoli u tim količinama. Nudim ti srce na dlanu a ti ga samo promatraš kao da se bojiš proviriti u njega. Da, bojim se i ja al' tko ne riskira ne profitira.

Uredi zapis

23.06.2008. u 0:23   |   Komentari: 5   |   Dodaj komentar

Morcheeba Otherwise

They wanted me here
Just to show you my face
But when it comes to the crunch
I just hide in disgrace
Youre calling me mad
But I know youre the same
Cause you got to be seen to be playing the game
Yes we got to be seen to be playing, the game

It aint gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
Youre making it worse now
Everytime you criticise
Im under your curse now
But I call it compromise
I thought that you were wise
But you were otherwise

A specimen like you
I would love to obtain
I asked a tedious guy if hell tell me your name
Id love to impress you
With a back somersault
I want to take out your love
But its locked in a vault
I wanna take up your love
But its locked in a vault

It aint gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
Youre making it worse now
Everytime you criticise
Im under your curse now
But I call it compromise
I thought that you were wise
But you were otherwise

When I open my mouth
Im so brutally honest
And I cant expect that kind of love from you
When you open your mouth
Your teeth are beautifully polished
And I cant extract the pain youre going through
No I cant explain
The pain youre going through

It aint gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
Youre making it worse now
Everytime you womanise
Im under your curse now
But I call it compromise
Im under your curse

It aint gonna hurt now
If you open up your eyes
Youre making it worse now
Everytime you criticise
Im under your curse now
But they call it compromise
I thought that you were wise
But you were otherwise

Uredi zapis

10.06.2008. u 14:57   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar


I'm so tired, of playing
Playing with this bow and arrow
Gonna give my heart away
Leave it to the other girls to play
For I've been a temptress too long

Just. .

Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be ee, a woman
I just wanna be a woman

From this time, unchained
We're all looking at a different picture
Thru this new frame of mind
A thousand flowers could bloom
Move over, and give us some room

Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be ee, a woman
I just wanna be a woman

So don't you stop, being a man
Just take a little look from our side when you can
Sow a little tenderness
No matter if you cry

Give me a reason to love you
Give me a reason to be ee, a woman
Its all I wanna be is all woman

For this is the beginning of forever and ever

Its time to move over... ...

Uredi zapis

06.06.2008. u 14:58   |   Komentari: 5   |   Dodaj komentar

Do kada, pitam se?

Čudan osijećaj je znati da još uvijek misliš na mene. Koliko god mi je s jedne strane drago toliko me spušta. Započeh nešto novo,još nevino i neotkriveno, a ti koda svaki put nanjušiš da odlazim u potpunosti i onda koristiš sve moguće načine da me vratiš. Samo do kada misliš tako igrati igru s mojim srcem. Jest da je u posljednje vrijeme ojačalo, al' dobro znaš da je još uvijek slabo na tebe.

Uredi zapis

02.06.2008. u 23:45   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

again & Again

Koje razočaranje...Zašto me prošlost progoni?
Ubila mi je svu volju za životom,sve ono što sam voljela ona je prisvojila,lukava bezobrazna lija...i onda nakon svega ponovno ulazi u moj život kao da se ništa nije zbilo kao da nam je to prvi susret...hmmmmm
Očito nisam naučila na starim greškama,jbg

Uredi zapis

17.05.2008. u 13:46   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar


Koračali smo pustopoljinom udišući posljednji tračak nade da je spas u nama. Al' ništa od toga! Otkrili smo da je sve nedorečeno, izgubljeno u besmislu laži i prevara. Skinili smo maske i ugledali vlastitu suštinu. Bila je prekrasna, više nije bilo povratka, al9 fucking privid zvana stvarnost nas je ponovno zavila svojim velom i natjerala da zaboravimo naše vizije. Pokušavam se ponovo sjetiti kako je ono izgledala tvoja duša al' uzalud kad nakon svega više ne primjećujem niti obrise svoje a kamoli da joj se divim u tim trenutcima leta...

Uredi zapis

03.05.2008. u 17:20   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Said I Love You, But I Lied

You are the candle, love's the flame

A fire that burns through wind and rain

Shine your light on this heart of mine

Till the end of time

You came to me like the dawn through the night

Just shinin' like the sun

Out of my dreams and into my life

You are the one, you are the one


Said I loved you but I lied

Cause this is more than love I feel inside

Said I loved you but I was wrong

Cause love could never ever feel so strong

Said I love you but I lied

With all my soul I've tried in vain

How can mere words my heart explain

This taste of heaven so deep so true

I've foud in you

So many reasons in so many ways

My life has just begun

Need you forever, I need you to stay

You are the one, you are the one


Said I loved you but I lied

Cause this is more than love I feel inside

Said I loved you but I was wrong

Cause love could never ever feel so strong

Said I love you but I lied

You came to me like the dawn through the night

Just shinin' like the sun

Out of my dreams and into my life

You are the one, you are the one


Said I loved you but I lied

Cause this is more than love I feel inside

Said I loved you but I was wrong

Cause love could never ever feel so strong

Said I love you but I lied

Said I loved you

But thi is more than love I fell inside

Said I Love You... But I Lied

Michael Bolton

Uredi zapis

09.03.2008. u 2:25   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

...snovi....samo oni mi ostaju...

Umorna sam od traženja, žudnje za tobom...
Odustala sam od nas ishvatih da mi je jako malo mene ostalo, uzeo si me i ostavio mi samo ruževinu, posrnulu lađu...
Vapim u samoći dok me Luna promatra sa visine nudeći mi zagrljaj... Primamljiva je ali poput sirene odveć zamamna...

Uredi zapis

23.02.2008. u 2:16   |   Komentari: 7   |   Dodaj komentar

Close my eyes forever

Baby, I get so scared inside and I don't really understand
Is it love that's on my mind or is it fantasy?
Heaven, is in the palm of my hand and it's waiting here for you
What am I supposed to do with a childhood tradgedy?

If I close my eyes forever
Would it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Would it all remain the same?

Sometimes, its hard to hold on, so hard to hold on to my dreams
It isn't always what it seems when you're face to face with me
Like a dagger you stick me in the heart and taste the blood from my blade
And when we sleep would you shelter me in your warm and darkened grave?

If I close my eyes forever
Would it all remain unchanged?
If i close my eyes forever
Would it all remain the same?

Will you ever take me?
No I just can't take the pain
Would you ever trust me?
No I'll never feel the same (oh)

I know I've been so hard on you
I know I've told you lies
If I could have just one more wish
I'd wipe the cobwebs from my eyes

If I close my eyes forever
Would it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
would it all remain the same?

Close your eyes...
Close your eyes...
You gotta close your eyes for me..........

Uredi zapis

20.02.2008. u 0:15   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar


Hej ljudi sretno vam Valentinovo:)

Uredi zapis

14.02.2008. u 0:27   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar


Blood Red River

Took a friend I found
Across some blood red river
Never did find my way home
In time to forgive her

Why must people always want what they can't have?
Why must people always grab what they'd never grasp?

How did we get so far?
How do we move so fast away
From the lilac-lilied lake
I'm sure we used to play
Is it only a dream away?

Took a raft I found
Across some blood red river
Never did find my way home
In time for my dinner

Why must people always want what they never have?
Why is it a crime to miss a part of you that's bled?

How did we get so far?
How do we move so fast away
From the lilac-lilied lake
I'm sure we used to play
Is it only a dream away?
Only a dream away

Lost a friend
I found down some blood red river
Never did find my way home
In time to forget her

Why must people always want what they can't have?
Why must people always take, but forget to ask?

How do we get so far?
How do we move so fast away
From the lilac lilied lake
Where I'm sure where we used to play
Is it only a dream away?
Only a dream away

Uredi zapis

10.02.2008. u 17:47   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Još uvijek se pitam...?

U potrazi sam, vrludam ulicama kojima ne pripadam,odišem panikom,zbunjenošću i prezirom...
iuzalud koračam neistraženim stazama kad ne vidim ono što mi je pred nosom...
nude mi srce na dlanu,a ja uporno išćem za tobom...
zar si me prokleo i ostavio na periferiji?
dolaziš samo da me održiš na životu,čuvaš me u spremniku uzavrelih sjećanja i otvaraš tek kad pogledaš u svoje želje...
Dobro znaš da ne podnosim bol i da mi srce iskače iz prsišta dok ti čuvaš svoj otrovani mamac blizu mene....
Ponekda bi htjela samo ući u vlastito srce,opalit ti šamarčinu i jednostavno otići...kao da se ništa nikada nije ni dogodilo....al' uvijek se pitam....

Uredi zapis

26.01.2008. u 2:39   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar


Svijet promatram u fotografijama, sijećanja izviru na površinu, uspomene zamjenjujem novim slikama, a tragove ostavljam tek u uzavrelim sjenama opora okusa. Drhtim u pozadini svemira otkrivajući ga u sebi...

Uredi zapis

21.01.2008. u 15:47   |   Komentari: 2   |   Dodaj komentar


As I sit here and slowly close my eyes
I take another deep breath
And feel the wind pass through my body
I'm the one in your soul
Reflecting the light
Protect the ones who hold you
Cradling your inner child

It's serenity
In a place where I can hide
I need serenity
Nothing changes, days go by

Where do we go when we just don't know
And how do we relight the flame when it's cold
Why do we dream when I thought mean nothing
And when will we learn to control

Tragic visions slowly stole my life
Tore away everything
Cheating me out of my time
I'm the one who loves you
No matter wrong or right
And every day I hold you
I hold you with my inner child

It's serenity
In a place where I can hide
I need serenity
Nothing changes, days go by

Where do we go when we just don't know
And how do we relight the flame when it's cold
Why do we dream when I thought mean nothing
And when will we learn to control

Where do we go when we just don't know
And how do we relight the flame when it's cold
Why do we dream when I thought mean nothing
And when will we learn to control

I need serenity [x2]

Uredi zapis

31.12.2007. u 10:31   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar