The Pretender - Foo Fighters

Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend
Keep you in the dark
And so it all began

Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones go marching in...again
The need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are at the ready
Are you ready?
I'm finished making sense
Done pleading ignorance
That whole...defense

Spinning infinity, boy
The wheel is spinning me
It's never-ending, never-ending
Same old story

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

In time our soul untold
I'm just another soul for sale... oh, well
The page is out of print
We are not permanent
We're temporary, temporary
Same old story

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

I'm the voice inside your head
You refuse to hear
I'm the face that you have to face
Mirrored in your stare
I'm what's left, I'm what's right
I'm the enemy
I'm the hand that will take you down
Bring you to your knees

So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?

Keep you in the dark
You know they all pretend

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
You're the pretender
What if I say that I'll never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

What if I say I'm not like the others?
(Keep you in the dark)
What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays
(You know they all... pretend)
You're the pretender
What if I say I will never surrender?

So who are you?
Yeah, who are you?
Yeah, who are you?

Uredi zapis

02.12.2007. u 18:47   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar


Pa di je baš taj vikend party kad ja nemrem da se pojavim:)

Uredi zapis

17.11.2007. u 0:05   |   Komentari: 4   |   Dodaj komentar

Puna je Luna

Završi tu sonatu i zalupi vratima. Pusti me da vrištim u samoći dok zla kob lebdi iznad mene. Ostavi me da se borim sa svojim snovima. Zaslužila sam barem da dostojno odigram još jednu ulogu u ovom životu, pretvaram se iz gusjenice u leptira a bol mi razdire dušu.

Opojni miris mokre zemlje prodire kroz oškrinut prozor,vapaj noći je sve jači a Luna budi demona u meni. Ne želiš me gledati noćas dok posrčem pod njegovim utjecajem. Znam da zora donosi mir,al sati nikako da prolete.

Zvuci svu sve jači a Jasmin me baca u trans. Skidam odječu sa sebe i plešem na melodiju noći. Imam osijećaj da napuštam tijelo i lebdim iznad grada,stapam se s prirodom i konačno pretvaram u prah. Vjhetar me raznosi po svijetu dok krici odzvanjaju u tišini. Nije mi jasno zbog čega me nitko ne čuje.

Uredi zapis

25.10.2007. u 0:18   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Beautiful Maria of my soul

in the sunlight of your smile in the summer of our life in the magic of love storms above scattered away lovers dreaming in the night reaching for paradise but as the dark shadows fade love slips away on an empty stretch of beach in the pattern of the waves drawing pictures with my hand in the sand, I see your face skipping pebbles on the sea wishing for Paradise sand castles crumble below the restless tides ebb and flow listening to a shell hoping for your voice beautiful Maria of my soul though we'll always be apart locked forever in a dream if I ever love again  even then, nothing will change and the taste of you remains clinging to Paradise but as the distance from you grows all that my heart ever knows hunger for your kiss longing for your touch beautiful Maria of my soul filling all my nights haunting all my days beautiful Maria of my soul

Uredi zapis

16.10.2007. u 14:04   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Robie Williams - Feel

Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given

I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
I don't understand

I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste

I don't want to die
But I ain't keen on living either
Before I fall in love
I'm preparing to leave her
I scare myself to death
That's why I keep on running
Before I've arrived
I can see myself coming

I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
'Cause I got too much life
Running through my veins
Going to waste
And I need to feel real love
And a life ever after
I cannot give it up

I just want to feel real love
Feel the home that I live in
I got too much love
Running through my veins
To go to waste

I just wanna feel real love
In a life ever after
There's a hole in my soul
You can see it in my face
It's a real big place

Come and hold my hand
I want to contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand
Not sure I understand

Uredi zapis

11.09.2007. u 18:32   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Dark Saga (Iced Earth)

The deal was rigged
There's darkness in my soul
I want to die again

An empty soul shrouded in darkness
Alone and confused what am I?
Images flash memories jaded
He took my life God damn his lies

Fight spawn of the damned, bring down the heavens
Smash in the gates, burn 'em down
You must accept the fate that you've chosen
You will obey your destiny

I cheated myself for love
Love unconditional
Now just to see her face
I've lost it all

I know there's goodness in me
Though I'm not the same
I will defy the master
I will refuse to be his slave

No, I was betrayed I can't accept this
My future's unclear, it's a lie
I'll follow my heart stand and be counted
The curse will lift I will survive

Uredi zapis

03.09.2007. u 16:14   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Tek toliko...

Zatvorih srce i dušu.Zarobih se u vlastitoj sjeni i sad pokušavam pronači neka nova vrata ne bih li konačno pronašla izlaz al' bezuspješno...
Svjetlost se polagano gasi a opojni miris snova me uvlači u svoj svijet...odupirem se još uvijek,al' me nešto povlači za rukav,skida odječu s mene i razmiče posteljinu ne bih li konačno polegla golo tijelo u zagrljaj bjeline....priznajem,mami me na trenutke,al' još uvijek imam potrebu da mu prkosim,pomalo izazovno a pomalo djetinjasto,veseleči mu se onako pomalo sjetno jer svjesna sam da iza blještavila nastupa praznina....

Uredi zapis

25.03.2007. u 1:35   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Opća opasnost - Treba mi nešto jače od sna

jos jedan dan
jos jedno jutro bez tebe
prokleto sam
sjecanje salje vjetrove
al ipak te necu zvati
pa neka me vjetar razbije
neka me tuge poraze
zbog tebe

treba mi nesto jace od sna
da me uspava tisucu godina
u meni gore vatre sa dna
ja sam umoran od tudji pogleda

jos samo san
sve mi je drugo nestalo
gledam u dlan
a tvoje je ime ostalo
al ipak te necu zvati
pa neka se sruse planine
neka me tuge poraze
zbog tebe

treba mi nesto jace od sna
da me uspava tisucu godina
u meni gore vatre sa dna
ja sam umoran od tudji pogleda

Uredi zapis

17.03.2007. u 20:00   |   Komentari: 2   |   Dodaj komentar

Koji k...

Gledam kako mi život klizi kroz prste a ništa ne poduzimam da to promijenim.Gospon Pain me čaka na stolu a luda glava smišlja sve moguče bjegove,nezavršene poslove,sve samo da se ne primi posla.Zapitam se na momente da li ta knjiga grize pa toliko bježim od nje ili koji k... se događa?

Uredi zapis

15.03.2007. u 19:14   |   Komentari: 4   |   Dodaj komentar

Riblja Čorba

K'o dim, k'o papirni zmajevi
Misli mi ka tebi lete
Ovde su pasivni krajevi
I placem k'o malo dete
Mozda je glupo sto ovo pisem
Ali bez tebe ne mogu da disem
Gde si u ovom glupom hotelu
Gde si u ovom dalekom selu
Zbog tebe vene ja bi' sek'o
A ti si negde tamo daleko

Uredi zapis

12.03.2007. u 22:51   |   Komentari: 5   |   Dodaj komentar

Da li....?

Proganjaš me već 2 dana...u glavi mi odzvanja tvoje ime...izvlačim davno zakopana siječanja i sa sjetom uživam u njima...pitam se kad je sve krenulo naopačke...da li češ za par godina i dalje biti dio mog života,kao stari frend kojemu ću moči pričati o svojoj sreći znajuči da sve što smo imali nije bila čista iluzija jednog sanjara...
da li ćemo moči uživati u zrakama sunca i čavrljati o bezazlenim stvarima,da li čemo ikad više biti iskreni kao nekad....
trenutno sve to ne bih mogla jer me još uvijek muče pitanja što bi bilo da je bilo,al ne želim da postanemo stranci nakon svega.....

Uredi zapis

08.03.2007. u 21:17   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

Change of heart by Bruce Dickenson

Here I sit, alone in a window
The rain falls down on the glass in the cold
All my life, I’ve been waiting for a moment
It never came, maybe never will
Ah – sometimes I don’t know
Those days are gone
Lord I hide where I just can’t say
I’m still there, catching your tears
Before they fall to the ground

You, you’re walking away
You couldn’t stay, you need a change of heart
You, you’re walking away
You couldn’t stay, you need a change of heart - yeah

Trees are bare, the earth it is hard
I wait for winter, soft winter and snow
Those days are gone
Now I hide, where I just can’t say
I’ll be there catching your tears
Before they fall to the ground

You, you’re walking away
You couldn’t stay, you need a change of heart
You, you’re walking away
You couldn’t stay, you need a change of heart

And I know, where ever you go, I’ll be around – yeah
I’ll be there catching your tears before they fall to the ground

Those days are gone
Now I hide where I just can’t say
I’m still there, watching your tears
As they fall to the ground

You, you’re walking away
You couldn’t stay, you need a change of heart
You, you’re walking away
You couldn’t stay, you need a change of heart
And I know…
You, you’re walking away
You couldn’t stay, you need a change of heart
And I know…
Oh, now, child, you need a change of heart
And I know…
You, you’re walking away
I need your love so bad
Change of heart, change of heart
Change of heart, change of he

Uredi zapis

03.03.2007. u 15:20   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

::Before Today

I don't want excuses, I don't want your smiles,
I don't want to feel apart a thousand miles.
I don't want your attittude, I don't want your things,
But I don't want a phone that never rings...
I want your love, and I want it now.
I don't want your history, I don't want that stuff,
I want you to shut your mouth, that would be enough,
and I don't care if you've been here before, you don't understand.
Tonight I feel above the law, I'm coming into land.
I want your love, and I want it now.
My heart is that much harder now,
That's what I thought before today.
My heart is that much harder now,
I thought that it would stay that way,
Before today...

Uredi zapis

01.03.2007. u 13:43   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar


Duboko u sebi još uvik držim fige i nadam se da će sve doći na svoje,al' s vremena na vrijeme me izjeda onaj dobro poznati crv sumnje i truje mi misli.....koprcam se u nadi i borim s njim svakog dana...trudim se da ne proklinjem sate,minute...odkada nisi tu, prepuštam se zaboravu al tek onda me uhvati panika...kao da komuniciram na nekoj drugoj frekvenciji,kao da me čuju neki neznani ljudi,pokušavam se tješit da je to samo umor,neka blaga halucinacija nakon napornog dana,a onda se zapitam da li to mjesto praznine pokušava netko drugi nadopuniti bez mog znanja....samo mi dođe da se nanovo začahurim,ovako mi je duplo teže.....

Uredi zapis

26.02.2007. u 21:02   |   Komentari: 6   |   Dodaj komentar

Još je doza prejaka...

Ne pitaj me nocas nista pusti me da sutim
Ja nocas trebam mir
Stare rane opet peku moje bitke dalje teku, duso
Ti nemas nista s tim
Sa tvojeg izvora moja se dusa napila
Zedna tvojih godina
I sada mamurna pita gdje je utjeha
Gdje je mladost nestala
Ne pitaj me nocas nista pusti me da sutim
Ja nocas trebam mir
Stare rane opet peku moje bitke dalje teku, duso
Ti nemas nista s tim
Sa tvojeg izvora moja se dusa napila
Zedna tvojih godina
I sada mamurna pita gdje je utjeha
Gdje je mladost nestala
Idu dani ja ih pratim, ponekad do tebe svratim
Duso trazim zaborav
Molim sate da se vrate tragovima njenim hodam
Tiho kao da je tu
Sve jos mirise na nju, i dan, i jutro sto ce doci
Nakon ove noci, noci bez sna
I dvjesto godina da ih brojim u samoci
Otkako je otisla.
U mojim venama jos je njenog otrova
Jos je doza prejaka
A tebe ljubim, da ne poludim
Da zaboravimSve jos mirise na nju...Sa tvojeg izvora...U mojim venama...
Gdje je mladost nestalaIdu dani ja ih pratim, ponekad do tebe svratim
Duso trazim zaborav
Molim sate da se vrate tragovima njenim hodam
Tiho kao da je tuSve jos mirise na nju, i dan, i jutro sto ce doci
Nakon ove noci, noci bez sna
I dvjesto godina da ih brojim u samoci
Otkako je otisla.U mojim venama jos je njenog otrova
Jos je doza prejaka
A tebe ljubim, da ne poludim
Da zaboravimSve jos mirise na nju...Sa tvojeg izvora...U mojim venama...

Uredi zapis

03.02.2007. u 23:19   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar