Poison girl - Him

I did it all just for her I did it all just for her And love's heart is death For me and my poison girl A prey she was for the cruelty of love While its serpent inside crawled straight towards her heart The coldest kiss love ceased to exist While we grew apart like never before I did it all just for her I did it all just for her And love wants us dead Just me and my poison girl I did it all just for her I did it all just for her And love's heart is death For me and my poison girl the fire in her eyes grew dim and then died as the poison inside reached her heart And the coldest kiss faith ceased to exist as we grew apart like never before I did it all just for her I did it all just for her And love wants us dead Just me and my poison girl I did it all just for her I did it all just for her And love's heart is death For me and my poison girl And the taste of the poison on her lips is of a tomb I did it all just for her I did it all just for her And love wants us dead Just me and my poison girl I did it all just for her I did it all just for her And love's heart is death For me and my poison girl Poison girl [4X] And love's heart is death For me and my poison girl In this poison world

Uredi zapis

21.08.2006. u 17:37   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Mjesta za mene

Ti zbog mene,ja zbog sebe pitam se ima li te uopće?  Ili me vuče svojoj blizini strah od voljeti  s kim još mogu biti voljena može me izbrisati  Stoji neka usred mene čistom voljom dodijeljena  ona me bira svoju za sebe sve što nosim kupuje  Sad sam spremna da se bacim pod korake tog sna  Ima li tu mjesta za mene  sasvim mala rupa je dovoljna da se ušuljam u tebe  Previše zaokupljena krletkom koju gradim  poskivećki super tajno dok te hranim svojom gladi  Sad sam spremna da se bacim pod korake tog sna  Ima li tu mjesta za mene  sasvim mala rupa je dovoljna da se ušuljam u tebe  Jer sve je nevažno  sasvim sigurno  pored tebe  svaki će refren  pasti u vodu... 

Uredi zapis

17.08.2006. u 16:54   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Rollins Band-Liar

You think youre going to live your life alone In darkness and seclusion... yeah, I know Youve been out there and tried to mix with those animals And it just left you full of humiliated confusion So you stagger back home and wait for nothing But the solitary refinement of your room spits you back onto the  streets And now youre desperate and in need of human contact And then you meet me and yur whole world changes Because everything I say is everything youve ever wanted to  hear So you drop all you defenses, Im perfect in every way cause I make you feel so strong and so powerfull inside You feel so lucky But your ego obscures reality that you never bothered to Wonder why things are going so well You want to know why?  cause Im a liar, yeah, Im a liar Ill tear (rip) your mind up, Ill burn your soul Ill turn you into me, Ill turn you into me cause Im a liar, a liar, a liar, a liar... Ill hide behind a smile and understanding eyes And Ill tell you things that you already know so you can say: I really identify with you, so much And all the time that youre needing me is just the time That Im bleeding you, dont you get it yet?  Ill come to you like an affliction then Ill leave you like an  addiction Youll never forget me... wou wanna know why?   I dont know why I feel the need to lie and cause you so much  pain Maybe its something inside, maybe its something I cant explain cause all I do is mess you up and lie to you Im a liar, ooh, Im a liar  But if youll give me another chance I  swear Ill never lie to you again  cause now I see the destructive power of a lie, Theyre stronger than truth I cat believe I ever hurt you, I swear I will never lie to you again Please, just give me more chance, Ill never lie to you again, no, I swear, I will never tell a lie, I will neer tell a lie, no, no Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! sucker! sucker! sucker!  I am a liar, yeah, I am a liar, yeah, I am a liar I lie you, I feel good, I am a liar, yeah I lie x4 ooh, I lie, yeah, I lie Im a liar, I lie, I like it, I feel good, I like it, and again I like it again and Ill keep lying, Ill promise

Uredi zapis

10.08.2006. u 14:55   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Melancholy (Holy Martyr)

Make the sadness go away Come back another day For years I've tried to teach But their eyes are empty Empty too I have become For them I must die A sad and troubled race An ungrateful troubled place I see the sadness in their eyes Melancholy in their cries Devoid of all the passion The human spirit cannot die Look at the pain around me This is what I cry for Look at the pain around me This is what I'll die for Make the sadness go away Come back another day The things I've said and done Don't matter to anyone But still, you push me to see Something, I can never be Why am I their shattered king? I don't mean anything I see the sadness in their eyes Melancholy in their cries Devoid of all the passion The human spirit cannot die Look at the pain around me This is what I cry for Look at the pain around me This is what I'll die for

Uredi zapis

08.08.2006. u 17:07   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar


Release The Demons
What do you see in the dark when the demons come for you If only you could have seen how fucked up my life used to be then everything starts to change supposedly healing my pain I never thought I'd feel this way I never thought that I'd see a day I'd run away from anything or anywhere or anyone Its all these demons haunting meIts all these little things trapped inside of me Releasing me from all my sin Its taken me all my ange rAnd taken me all of my hate To learn how my life came together Releasing the demons again And now I look through my minds eye And see where my past needs to rest Its always disturbed by these voices That echo inside of my head Another way that I can hide Another reason to crawl inside and get away from everything and everywhere and everyone NO!Its all these demons haunting me Its all these little things trapped inside of me Releasing me from all my sin Its taken me all my anger And taken me all of my hate To learn how my life came together Releasing the demons......again Facin the days as I grow into my own Loving and hatings the same And three-fold I told you it comes back with laughter Over and over again Its coming back Its taken me all my anger And taken me all of my hate To learn how my life came together Releasing the demons again

Uredi zapis

02.08.2006. u 18:20   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Down with the sickness

Can you feel that? Ah, shit Drowning deep in my sea of loathing Broken your servant I kneel (Will you give in to me?) It seems what\'s left of my human side Is slowly changing in me (Will you give in to me?) Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You\'ve woken up the demon in me Get up, come on get down with the sickness Open up your hate, and let it flow into me Get up, come on get down with the sickness You mother get up come on get down with the sickness You fucker get up come on get down with the sickness Madness is the gift, that has been given to me I can see inside you, the sickness is rising Don\'t try to deny what you feel (Will you give in to me?) It seems that all that was good has died And is decaying in me (Will you give in to me?) It seems you\'re having some trouble In dealing with these changes Living with these changes (oh no)The world is a scary place Now that you\'ve woken up the demon in me (And when I dream) No mommy, don\'t do it again Don\'t do it again I\'ll be a good boy I\'ll be a good boy, I promise No mommy don\'t hit me Why did you have to hit me like that, mommy? Don\'t do it, you\'re hurting me Why did you have to be such a bitch Why don\'t you,Why don\'t you just fuck off and die Why can\'t you just fuck off and die Why can\'t you just leave here and die Never stick your hand in my face again bitch FUCK YOU I don\'t need this shit You stupid sadistic abusive fucking whore How would you like to see how it feels mommy Here it comes, get ready to die

Uredi zapis

25.07.2006. u 1:42   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar


Noćas nisam bježala od ničega al me je bome realnost uhvatila nespremnu....na momenat sam se osijećala ko posljednji debil što se vuče za posljednju slamku spasa....
neznam što si htio postiči sa tom laži al sorio si me ne osijećam se više živom a toliko sam te htjela...nakon svog vremena napokon te poželim kao nikad do sad a ti darling pleteš mrežu laži i ostavljaš me na vjetrometini uzbrkanih misli da si sama prkosim iako dobro znaš da to ne podnosim...zapitam se često ta koji kurac više izvodim,zašto ti se uopče pokušavam uvuč pod kožu kad te u biti i ne želim...o vraže mali sretno ti bilo u životu al fakat što dalje od mene...

Uredi zapis

25.07.2006. u 1:19   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar


Bježala sam od ovog trenutka znajući da će me jednom dostići,samo što sam se nadala da će nekako stići kasnije i da mi neće pomrsiti račune...al' zajebala sam se....spetljala sam se u vlastitu mrežu punu surovih stremljenja ka nečem višem a da nisam ni znala da će mi sve to donijeti samo prazninu i neki opori okus u ustima...
uvijek sam voljela promjene,pogotovo onaj neobični miris nepoznatog,koračala sam uzdignute glave ne mareći za sjene...al' danas me te sjene progone i ne mogu im se othrvati,pružaju gorak okus istine što je ostala za nama a mi poput kakvih stranaca gledamo se u oči i pričamo o nekom zamišljenom svijetu ne priznavajuči si da je među nama već odavno sve gotovo i da si više nismo ništa doli dobrih starih prijatelja koji su prošli sito i rešeto i sad se smiju samom životu ne vjerujući u šta nas je to do zla boga uvalio...
imali smo ipak neki drugi nacrt za ovaj život al su nam se mreže snova ispreprele i zapeli smo u momentu ne uviđajuči da je izlaz točno ispod naših nogu....
kažeš mi da sam ti nedostajala al ostaješ hladan,bježiš od mene boječi se da ne otvorim stare rane i bolne teme....zar ne vidiš da sam postala vrhunski glumac skriven iza kulisa i samo čekam da predstava otpočne a ja odigram tu posljednju ulogu u našim životima i ova 2 prokleta,preostala mjeseca održim tu divlju iluziju,jer ipak koloko god smo si boli nanjeli toliko smo se i voljeli i uživali....ne žalim niti sekunde...al' ipak mi zafali,zabole sijećanja...

Uredi zapis

04.07.2006. u 12:04   |   Komentari: 2   |   Dodaj komentar

Sisters Of Mercy

joj ljudi blago vam se ako idete noćas na koncert i ja bi s guštom al nemrem,stoga guštajte i za mene....šmrc.....

Uredi zapis

20.06.2006. u 12:13   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Temple of love - Sisters Of Mercy

With the fire from the fireworks up above me With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain at hand You run for cover in the temple of love You run for another but still the same For the wind will blow my name across this land In the temple of love you hide together Believing pain and fear outside But someone near you rides the weather And the tears he cried will rain on walls As wide as lovers eyes In the temple of love, shine like thunderIn the temple of love, cry like rain In the temple of love, hear my calling In the temple of love, hear my name And the devil in black dress watches over My guardian angel walks away Life is short and love is always over in the morning Black wind come carry me far away With the sunlight died and night above me With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain inside You run for cover in the temple of love You run for another it's all the same For the wind will blow and throw your walls aside With the fire from the fireworks up above With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain You run for cover in the temple of love I shine like thunder cry like rain And the temple of love grows old and strong But the wind blows longer cold and long And the temple of love will fall before This black wind calls my name to you no more In the black sky thunder sweeping Underground and over water Sounds of crying weeping will not save Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar All your prayers must seem as nothing Ninety-six below the wave When stone is dust and only air remains In the temple of love, shine like thunder In the temple of love, cry like rain In the temple of love, hear the calling And the temple of love is falling Down In the temple of love, shine like thunder In the temple of love, cry like rain In the temple of love, hear my calling In the temple of love, hear my name In the black sky thunder sweeping Underground and over water Sounds of crying weeping will not save Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar All your prayers must seem as nothing Ninety-six below the wave When stone is dust and only air remains The only haven you can trust And the devil in black dress watches over My guardian angel walks away Life is short and love is always over in the morning Black wind come carry me far away With the fire from the fireworks up above With a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain you You run for cover in the temple of love I shine like thunder cry like rain And the temple grows old and strong But the wind blows longer cold and long And the temple of love will fall before This black wind calls my name to you no more In the temple of love you hide together Believing pain and fear outside But someone near you rides the weather And the tears he cried will rain on walls As wide as lovers eyes In the temple of love, shine like thunder In the temple of love, cry like rain In the temple of love, hear the calling And the temple of love is falling Down

Uredi zapis

01.06.2006. u 13:06   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

Wicked Game

World was on fire, no-one could save me but youI t's strange what desire will make foolish people do I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you No, I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you No, I don't wanna fall in love this world is always gonna brake your heart No, I don't wanna fall in love this world is always gonna brake your heart..with you What a wicked game to play To make me feel this way What a wicked thing to doTo let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say You never felt this way What a wicked thing you doTo make me dream of you No, I don't wanna fall in love this world is always gonna brake your heart No, I don't wanna fall in love this world is always gonna brake your heart..with you World was on fire, no-one could save me but you It's strange what desire will make foolish people do No, I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like youI'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no Now I wanna fall in love This world is always gonna brake your heart Now I wanna fall in lust This world is always gonna brake your heart..with you Nobody loves no-one

Uredi zapis

18.05.2006. u 12:02   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar

moram ga uništiti

Pokušala sam pobječi od sudbine i nestati s lica zemlje al gdje god se sakrila on bi me nekako već pronašao baš kao da je imao senzore za mene. Već sam ludjela od njegovog maltretiranja al povratka nije bilo.Postojao je samo jedan izbor-odustati ili biti luđi od njega te ga konačno i ubiti....
i nije neki izbor al bolje išta nego ništa.nisam u stanju ni zgaziti mrava šta bi se reklo a kamoli nekoga ubiti ali on,e on je bome prevršio svaku mjeru...već satima mi ne da spavati,već danima me progoni po vlastitom stanu i pije mi krv na slamku ma kuja jedna al šta se mora nije teško doči ću ga ja glave.....
i tako konačno odlučih da je vrijeme da i ovu bitku privedem kraju te se zavukoh u postelju i pretvarah da spavam a on sav sretan nasrnu na mene iako nije ni slutio što ga čeka....uspjela sam ga namamiti u zamku i riješiti se muke jednom zauvjek...
ostala je jedino mala mrlja na posteljini al i ona će se isprti.došao je kraj još jednom napornom komarcu....

Uredi zapis

11.05.2006. u 11:47   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

Freak On A Leash -Korn

Something takes a part of me.Something lost and never seen.Everytime I start to believe,Something's raped and taken from me... from me. Life's got to always be messing with me. (You wanna see the light)Can't they chill and let me be free? (So do I)Can't I take away all this pain. (You wanna see the light)I try to every night, all in vain... in vain. Sometimes I cannot take this place.Sometimes it's my life I can't taste.Sometimes I cannot feel my face.You'll never see me fall from graceSomething takes a part of me.You and I were meant to be.A cheap fuck for me to laySomething takes a part of me. Feeling like a freak on a leash. (You wanna see the light)Feeling like I have no release. (So do I)How many times have I felt diseased? (You wanna see the light)Nothing in my life is free... is free(take it over here baby pop)Boom na da mmm dum na ema Da boom na da mmm dum na ema GO! So...fight! something on the... dum na ema Fight...some things they fightSo...something on the... dum na emaFight...some things they fight Fight...something of the... dum na ema No...some things they fight Fight...something of the... dum na ema Fight...some things they fightPart of me...Oh...

Uredi zapis

28.04.2006. u 13:08   |   Komentari: 1   |   Dodaj komentar

Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You

Babe, baby, baby, I'm Gonna Leave You. I said baby, you know I'm gonna leave you. I'll leave you when the summertime, Leave you when the summer comes a-rollin' Leave you when the summer comes along. Baby, baby, I don't wanna leave you, I ain't jokin' woman, I got to ramble. Oh, yeah, baby, baby, I believin', We really got to ramble. I can hear it callin' me the way it used to do, I can hear it callin' me back home! Babe...I'm gonna leave you Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you Oh I can hear it callin 'me I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do? I know I never never never gonna leave your babe But I got to go away from this place, I've got to quit you, yeah Baby, ooh don't you hear it callin' me? Woman, woman, I know, I know It feels good to have you back again And I know that one day baby, it's really gonna grow, yes it is. We gonna go walkin' through the park every day. Come what may, every day It was really, really good. You made me happy every single day. But now... I've got to go away! Baby, baby, baby, baby That's when it's callin' me I said that's when it's callin' me back home...

Uredi zapis

27.04.2006. u 18:12   |   Komentari: 2   |   Dodaj komentar


Nekako sam se predugo zadržala na jednom mjestu i vrijeme je da dignem sidro....dovoljno dugo da počnem kopati po svom životu i ispaljivati na sve ono šta mi se ne sviđa umisto da uvedem kratki rez i krenem dalje....
jednostavno ništa ne pokušavam,držim se za neke nevidljive niti koje me vode iako više ni sama neznam kud ni kako al glavno je da se giba.....
dan previše toga obećava al sve mi se čini da će dosta toga ostati u nekakvoj magli,skriveno ispod varljive površine...
nadam se da će vam ovaj dan donjeti i lijepe trenutke barem da se malo odmorite od ovog zapetljanog života...

Uredi zapis

23.04.2006. u 11:20   |   Komentari: 0   |   Dodaj komentar