Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums

Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window
Go back to sleep
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils,
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.

Count the bodies like sheep
Count the bodies like sheep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Count the bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

I’ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices son
They're one in the same, I must isolate you…
Isolate and save you from yourself …

Uredi zapis

23.07.2007. u 19:59   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

The Nurse Who Loved Me {Thirteenth Step}

Say hello to the rug's topography
It holds quite a lot of interest with your face down on it
Say hello to the shrinking in your head
You can't see it but you know its there so don't neglect it

I'm taking her home with me all dressed in white
She's got everything I need, pharmacy keys
She's falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys

Say hello to all the apples on the ground
They were once in your eyes but you sneezed them out while sleeping
Say hello to everything you've left behind
It's even more a part of your life now that you can't touch it

I'm taking her home with me all dressed in white
She's got everything I need, some pills in a little cup
She's falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes
She acts just like a nurse with all the other guys

Say hello to the rugs topography...

Uredi zapis

19.10.2006. u 18:01   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar

The Package {Thirteenth Step}

Clever got me this far
Then tricky got me in
Eye on what i'm after
I don't need another friend
Smile and drop the cliche
'Till you think I'm listening
I take just what I came for
Then I'm out the door again

Peripheral on the package
Don't care to settle in
Time to feed the monster
I don't need another friend
Comfort is a mystery
Crawling out of my own skin
Just give me what I came for, then I'm out the door again

Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get just what I need
Lie to get what I crave
Lie and smile to get what's mine

Eye on what i'm after
I don't need another friend
Nod and watch your lips move
If you need me to pretend
Because clever got me this far
Then tricky got me in
I'll take just what I came for
Then I'm out the door again

Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get what I need now
Lie to get what I'm craving
Lie and smile to get what's mine

Give this to me
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine

Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get what I need now
Lie to get what I'm craving
Lie to smile and get what's mine

Give this to me
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Give this to me

Take what's mine, take what's mine, mine...
Take what's mine, take what's mine, take what's mine,
This is mine, mine, mine

Uredi zapis

06.10.2006. u 21:45   |   Komentari: 7   |   Dodaj komentar

Judith { Mer De Noms}

pjesma za ovu noć:

You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
Fuck your God
Your Lord, your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why

It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you
He did it all for you

Oh so many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why

Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you
He did it all for you

Uredi zapis

05.10.2006. u 19:19   |   Komentari: 3   |   Dodaj komentar


Pjevač grupe Tool, Maynard James Keenan, i bivši gitarist grupe Tool osnovali su grupu A Perfect Circle kao nastavak alt-metala s art-rock stilom populariziranim baš od grupe Tool od ranih pa do sredine devedesetih. Iako s jednakom intenzivnošcu i melankolijom kao i Tool, A Perfect Circle je manje mračna i više melodična s teatralnom ambijentalnošću koju tvore povremenim korištenjem harfa i neobičnim instrumentima.
Nakon izlaska albuma Aenima 1996.g. grupa Tool našla se u dugom sudskom sporu s bivšom izdavačkom kućom Freeworld Entertainment. Kad se slegla prašina, dvije godine kasnije, postigli su sporazum s izdavačkom kućom o 50/50 zajedničkom ulaganju i profitu za buduće albume, osjećajući zamor odlučili su malo napraviti stanku. Tada su se Keenan, Howerdel i Paz Lenchantin udružili u A Perfect Circle.
Keenan je upoznao Howerdela 1992.g. kad je Tool bio predgrupa Fishbone-u. Howerdel je tada odsvirao Keenanu par svojih pjesama. Keenana su se dojmile i njih dvoje su razgovarali o budućem suradivanju. Medutim do prilike za suradnju nije došlo sve do nagodbe sa izdavačkom kućom Freeworld Entertainment. S Keenanom kao vokalom, Howerdel na gitari i Lenchantin na basu, trio je angažirao ex-Failure i Enemy člana Troy Van Leeuwena na gitari i ex-Vandals i Guns N' Roses člana Josh Freese na bubnjevima.
Petorka je zajedno svirala, ali nije objavila formiranje nove grupe sve dok nisu nastupili po prvi put 15.08.1999.g. na dobrotvornom koncertu u Viper Room u Los Angeles. Howerdel, koji je godinama skladao pjesme, kao i suradivao s grupama Smashing Pumpkins i Nine Inch Nails, postao je glavni tekstopisac i producent grupe. A Perfect Circle izdali su prvi, debitantski album, Mer de Noms, 2000.g., Thirteenth Step slijedio je 2003.g. te album Emotive izašao je 2004.g.

Uredi zapis

05.10.2006. u 16:29   |   Komentari: 8   |   Dodaj komentar