The Package {Thirteenth Step}

Clever got me this far
Then tricky got me in
Eye on what i'm after
I don't need another friend
Smile and drop the cliche
'Till you think I'm listening
I take just what I came for
Then I'm out the door again

Peripheral on the package
Don't care to settle in
Time to feed the monster
I don't need another friend
Comfort is a mystery
Crawling out of my own skin
Just give me what I came for, then I'm out the door again

Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get just what I need
Lie to get what I crave
Lie and smile to get what's mine

Eye on what i'm after
I don't need another friend
Nod and watch your lips move
If you need me to pretend
Because clever got me this far
Then tricky got me in
I'll take just what I came for
Then I'm out the door again

Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get what I need now
Lie to get what I'm craving
Lie and smile to get what's mine

Give this to me
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine

Lie to get what I came for
Lie to get what I need now
Lie to get what I'm craving
Lie to smile and get what's mine

Give this to me
Take what's mine
Mine, mine, mine
Take what's mine
Give this to me

Take what's mine, take what's mine, mine...
Take what's mine, take what's mine, take what's mine,
This is mine, mine, mine

06.10.2006. u 21:45   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

uh kako je teško biti ovisnik. sada se ubijam u kikirikiju slušajući glazbu

Autor: perfect_circle   |   06.10.2006. u 21:54   |   opcije

Dao si mi dobru ideju kaj ću slušati. Mada, Weak&Powerless.. Ahhh!

Autor: SoylentBiscuit   |   06.10.2006. u 21:55   |   opcije

A jesi li čuo Lenonovu obradu Imagine?!!

Autor: VITEZ_U_MIROVINI   |   06.10.2006. u 21:56   |   opcije

jesam. spot od imagine mi je predobar

Autor: perfect_circle   |   06.10.2006. u 22:00   |   opcije

blago tebi kad još uvijek imaš "mlade uši"…mene gotovo više ne može oduševiti u tolikoj mjeri da bi popizdio za nekim novim bendom, tek poneki bljesak koji brzo potamni…

Autor: VITEZ_U_MIROVINI   |   06.10.2006. u 22:06   |   opcije

...daj mi to prevedi....ja sam znam ono ajem đek disiz bil helouuuu....

Autor: big_beauty   |   06.10.2006. u 22:14   |   opcije

....i ono sličkrz, pičkrz end madrz....

Autor: big_beauty   |   06.10.2006. u 22:14   |   opcije

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