TOILET TRAINING FOR MEN (or how to keep a woman happy...)

1. Step up to the toilet with your legs almost touching the side of the toilet. If the toilet seat is down, do not worry or get confused.
2. Lift both toilet seats up by firmly gripping the seat with a thumb and index finger (preferably from the same hand). Both seats should rest on back of toilet bowl now.
3. Unzip your pants and release your manhood (if you can find it...). If you can't find it, do not panic. Just turn around and sit down like the ladies do and skip the rest of this course.
4. Once your manhood is firmly gripped in your hand (or hands if you are hung like a horse) pee CAREFULLY directly into the water that is located INSIDE the toilet bowl. (Try not to sneeze now or your pee pee will be all over the floor and walls)
5. After your pee pee has ceased to exist, gently shake your manhood three times while still aiming at the water, so the pee pee does not leak down your pants afterwards... (IMPORTANT: Do not shake it more than three times or you might start to enjoy it too much)
6. Now gently slip your manhood back into your pants and zip up your pants. Please make sure your manhood is not sticking partially out while zipping up or you will quickly know what major pain feels like.
7. Now comes the HARD part (I know you can do it because you are a real man). Remember your thumb and index finger used earlier? Extend them once more and firmly grasp the toilet seat. Gently and confidently lower the seats so the water bowl is covered. If you are worried about germs you may use your foot or call for your wife/girlfriend for assistance.
8. Last thing to do is to FLUSH THE TOILET and you are finished with the fine art of going pee pee.
You have now learned proper toilet etiquette. Hold your head up high and be proud.  
Finally, after all these years, you are a real lady's man! 

27.06.2003. u 14:47   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

:) sad ce me pol Iskrice mrzit, hahaha

Autor: TheKid   |   27.06.2003. u 14:48   |   opcije

amen :))))))... pssst. Kid, neće... znaš da smo mi brojnije ovdje ;)

Autor: mara   |   27.06.2003. u 15:11   |   opcije

dobro je dok piškimo iza školjke,a kad počnemo ispred,ajme meni:))

Autor: lonely35   |   27.06.2003. u 15:39   |   opcije

hahaha ima i druga varijanta. frenda je žena izdresirala da fino sjedne i piša i svi sretni i zadovoljni hahahahaha :)))))))))

Autor: Tanja   |   27.06.2003. u 16:27   |   opcije

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