As much as you dare

Your love life and your creativity are both emphasized this week, D. Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Libra on Monday, which is going to encourage you to take a few more risks. If you have been thinking of starting your own business, this might be the time that you go about it, and take the first steps to doing so. The more you decide to act on faith and go for the goals that you want to achieve, the more you will draw the appropriate coincidences and opportunities towards you. It is time to visualize your dreams and to bring them to fulfillment. Since this is all happening in association with the sign of Libra, you do need to approach things in a balanced way, dear Gemini. On Tuesday, Mercury also moves into Libra, and helps you to formulate your ideas to have any necessary conversations with people who can help you put your plans into perspective. There is a Full Moon in Aries at this time. You will become very aware of your friends and associates and what they think of you. The trick is not to overreact as this could cause unnecessary arguments. Try and take all comments and criticisms in a balanced way.

01.10.2004. u 7:36   |   Prijavi nepoćudni blog   |   Dodaj komentar

Ček...a di su pisces?

Autor: pike_TS   |   01.10.2004. u 11:18   |   opcije

Nemam za pisces, ovo je moj osobni.Ali, ulupam ti nešto na brzinu, ako zbilja želiš.

Autor: MySensualWorld   |   01.10.2004. u 11:44   |   opcije

Naah...imam natalni, tarot mi je bio "death by water" i rekla mi je neki dan jedna teta da mi je krepala sedma čaplja, tak da sve znam kaj moram prije tehničkog...

Autor: pike_TS   |   03.10.2004. u 16:58   |   opcije

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